Chapter 01

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Chapter 01
In The Beginning

Ten years later
Year 1618

Although the war had officially ended nine years prior, Lockridge and Mortimus were in silent and ongoing peace treaties to further halt the violence and disagreements. Trade was disrupted, and the ongoing alliance that was once strong was now weakening.

When the war was in its early stages of conflict, the small village of Myla was attacked and burned. Those who were left scattered when fleeing were killed while the rest were taken prisoner. None of them were ever seen again after that fateful night. Their King, Lord Ambrose of their home country of Lockridge had made multiple attempts to retrieve the stolen people with no success. It was then the one responsible for the attack was revealed as none other than the Prince of Mortimus, Camus Blight. He led the attack at the age of fourteen and wrecked the land of all he could claim.

Mortimus has since denied all allegations of the attack and since then, there has been no avail in hopes of a peace treaty; especially since Lord Ambrose also refused to unite his one and only daughter in marriage with Mortimus' prince.

Nine long years of failed negotiations to ease the tensions between the two countries.

Still, the King was optimistic that one day the two countries could unite in other ways to end the war that everyone was so desperately praying for.

"Has my daughter chosen a husband yet, Chancellor Royston?" The king spoke while sitting at the head of his table in the war room. "Surely amongst so many gallant noblemen in our surrounding kingdoms, she has her sights affixed on one by now."

"I would have expected the same, Your Majesty. I fear her choosing is more prolonged than I expected." Royston was a middle-aged man dignified of respectable stature as one of King Ambrose's most trusted members of his court. He was vastly knowledgeable in all aspects of politics, judicial, and the well being of the country. Never married, he lived to serve the royal family and had done so for many years.

"She has recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday and will need a worthy husband who can certainly produce heirs." For a man of fifty years, the king maintained an aura of strength, purpose, and a benevolent spirit that had earned him the enduring title of King since he was fifteen years of age.

"I have confidence that one will be chosen soon. We have several commendable suitors for the young princess, Your Majesty."

The king released a sigh. The golden crown circling his head tilted precariously as if to remind Royston of the precarious duty to match a suitor for his daughter. She wouldn't assume the full rulership of Lockridge until after his death—and hopefully, not for many years into the future. Nevertheless, the time would come for her to be crowned the heir apparent. According to royal tradition, the naming of the heir to the throne was contingent upon the successor becoming betrothed to either a royal bloodline or noble worthy of such a title.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, shall we discuss the dubbing ceremony for the princess' guards? Preparations are already underway to welcome the three to the castle later this afternoon."

"Yes, of course. I look forward to meeting these young men at arms. They ranked top in the militaries?"

"They were chosen by the General himself. Two young men; Geoffrey Harrisone, and Ty Pierson, and the third is a female. Qualen Riffen."

"Really? A dame in our court. I expect to be impressed." King Ambrose finished as he rose from his seat.

Royston stood as well and bowed as he walked past him to leave the room. "Yes, of course, Your Majesty."


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