Chapter 09

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The Final Battle

Chapter 9

Miclotov Castle. Deep within the country of Mortimus stood this grand structure, which was more than half the size of the Deios Castle in Highland. For generations, it served the Miclotov family as the monarchs of Mortimus. It had defended against hostile territories, battles, and wars. It has been the home of love and betrayal, strength, and prosperity. The village that surrounded this capital was vast and quite known as one of the largest townships. Camus' father had built a glorious community that was now being led down a dangerous path of power and succession. Many saw their new King with his clouded judgment of hate and authority overtake his ability to strategize his orders of command.

Camus stood on the castle keep, commanding the high ground and overlooking his kingdom. He felt a sudden burst of energy, a thirst for action that could not be quelled. He wanted to see his army on the march, to conquer and expand, to bring glory to his people and fame to himself. He became increasingly agitated as he stood waiting, his desire to wage war boiling over as he just couldn't stand the thought of being on the defensive, he needed to advance.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" One of his ambassadors called out, running across the keep towards him. Camus frowned, his expression turning to one of annoyance as he watched the ambassador running up to him. He was a busy man, he didn't have time for idle small talk. He wanted news of a potential battle, not meaningless words. "My King. One of the royal guards you had sent to Windermere has returned." He then stood up and looked into his eyes. "He was the only one to return and came alone."

His mood changed instantly, from annoyed to inquisitive, as he waited for more details. "What!? What of the princess?"

"He had mentioned the lady princess had fallen into the Belter River before being able to acquire her. Upon returning to the castle, he has...succumbed to his injuries moments ago."

Camus stood in silence, taking a moment to reflect on the events of Windermere and the subsequent return of the guard. He mulled over his options as he looked out onto the kingdom, looking to the horizon as he considered every possibility. Disappointed in the failure of his plan to obtain Cassia was almost overwhelming, and he felt a sudden urge to lash out in frustration.

"My Lord...?"

"Gather the council immediately," Camus replied then turned around and looked at his ambassador in the face. "I shall wait no more. It is time for war. It is time for me to acquire the princess."

That following morning was quiet and warm out as the crystal clear river flowed and filled their ears with the soothing sound. The first morning light was casting a warm glow over the landscape, as the birdsong filled the air and the smell of fresh spring dew was carried by the gentle breeze. Single leaves fell from the trees as birds chirped up high in the branches as the rays of sunshine peeked through, the rays broke through the clouds and filled the sky with beauty. The springtime air was tinged with the sweet scent of dew, and a gentle breeze filled the air with its fresh essence.

Ty watched as Cassia slowly woke up, her head resting on the leather vest he had laid down for her. She left her clothes had dried from the day before from their stirring plunge into the cold river and sighed, thinking about the traumatic night before them, the rush of icy water covering her body, but was soon rescued by Ty. Despite the harrowing experience, she would never forget the kindness and compassion he had shown her and how he had risked his own life to save her. Looking out in front there sat Ty feeding the fire that had kept them warm throughout the night. When their gazes met one another, he smiled. "Ah, good morning, princess." He was the first to speak.

She couldn't help but smile back, feeling reassured by his warm presence.

Cassia looked down at the vest she had used to rest her head then back up at Ty, flushed, remembering what she had done the night before. "Oh, Ty. Please, forgive me for my actions last night. I did not mean to..."

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