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Her eyes lazily staring across my bare chest makes the corners of my mouth lift sending a chuckle out my mouth "Have you finished staring " I tease watching as she quickly averts her guilty eyes away from me. "It's late why aren't you sleeping darling, is something wrong?" I ask and for some reason my words catch on the word wrong sending me a piercing feeling to my chest that something is intact wrong.

The same piercing feeling when she ran away from me.

"I'm fine I just can't sleep" she says as she props herself up my her arm watching me "what's on your mind" I ask but I know exactly what's she's going to say. The hunger games is evil this or I can help the districts that. Evidently that's just not going to happen, yes I could help the districts and I might if I find good reason for it but ending the hunger games is a definite no. The speed of which I'd get forced out of power would leave no man standing.

"What are we going to do about this" she asks gesturing between the both of us "when we've been married for long enough for the public to be expecting us to start a family, we can't keep this facade up forever" This is a problem I don't like. A child. A kid. Not in my lifetime.

"Hm.." I stare of into the distance trying to think of something. Because she's right, the public will be wondering why we haven't yet started a family and yes, I could give them what they want. But something inside me feels wrong about this. Leaving a heavy burden on her to take care of this child is not something I want to do.

I look back at her staring back into the deep brown eyes that are a reflecting image of Lucy, "I can think of an alternative, if the people would be satisfied." "And what's your idea?" She asks "Adoption, present it to the public. Say it was abandoned by another couple. Of course... the people would see this as us showing mercy and a generous heart." The idea of adopting a kid picked at my skin, it's not ideal but it's better than well, the other way.

I see rage flood through her eyes and realise what she about to say. She's predictable majority of the time. And a feisty one at that. By time I've finished my sentence she sits up so quickly I see her trying to calm the headache she's caused herself "are you serious, you want to adopt a child. A child who's going to have to go through enough and decide to destroy its chances of a happy family?" She shouts slowly moving away from me.

I watch the calmness in her eyes turn from anger to what looks like sadness. A film on water covering her eyes. My heart drops at the sight of her like this. But what she says next destroys me "I knew you were a monster but I didn't know you would go this far" she walks round to the other side of the bed and I follow her to the door and reach for her hand but she doesn't let me, she won't let me near her, she won't even look into my eyes. I've lost her.

The look in her eyes match the ones of what Lucy's looked like as she ran. She quickly snatches her hand away "don't. Don't touch me" looking as if she's talking to the floor and wizzes out her room.

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now