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Well, I didn't think I would end up here but I guess I am.

The sight in front of me, Coriolanus snow putting on ice skates.

I'd only mentioned ice skating so he could reject my idea so I can spend the day at home. But now I see I could have said much worse things.

"Are you just doing to stare or are you going to put your skates on love?" He asks, standing up with a smile on his face for once. "Oh right, yeah" I trail off and sit down to put my skates on.

Coriolanus bends down to one knee and ties my laces for me "thank you" I say, maybe this day won't be so bad

"Have you ever been ice skating before?" I ask him, "I didn't think this is your kind of scene." I finish "No I haven't, but what ever it takes to keep my power I'll do, and if I means ice skating with you love, then I'll do it" Coriolanus replies standing up with his hand held out "you know I'm the one helping you on the rink, take my hand"

I hold out my hand, he obviously doesn't hold it and walks onto the ice after me saying "ladies first" "touché" I mumble "what was that?" "Nothing" I correct stepping onto the ice, gosh it's been so long

As soon as we step on all eyes on us people saying "is that the president?" "Is that Coriolanus and his wife?" "Oh he's so hot" this and that, but no one is calling him a murder. Why is something I'll never understand, unless they are scared or just blinded by his exterior to simply not care about what inhumane thoughts run through his head is to complicated for the dumbfound population of the Capitol citizens to understand.

But this day isn't for him, it's for me. Finally a release of my boredom stepping onto the ice brings back the spark I lost when I met Coriolanus. The feeling of freedom.

"Don't fall over Mr president, everyone's watching" I say as I see him struggling to maintain balance on his skates, "I'm fine just let's skate around for a minute then we can go" he says with frustration "oh but what's the fun in that? Oh my g- just hold onto me" I reach out for his arm as he almost falls on his skates.

I try hold in my laugh but it just slips through "Are you laughing at me?" Coriolanus asks angrily even more frustrated "no it's not you, sorry I just-"I burst out laughing.

The president of Pamens weakness is ice skating.

Well it is his first time on the ice, but that's not the point.

"Just hold onto me" I stretch out a hand and he quickly learns how to glide the ice, I take back what I said he's a natural.

"Your actually not to bad at this" I say hoping not to boost his ego "this is actually.. fun?" Sounding as if he is questioning his own words.

He can't be emotionless all the time can he? Surely not, Lucy grey proves that. Nor I or anyone else knows we're the girl ran off to, whether she's alive or dead is another story all together. I just know she's the reason Coriolanus is like this. I blame her for the love she gave to this monster. The motivation she gave him. The motivation to kill all these kids. Year and year and probably for many years to come.

Thinking of it just makes me nauseous I pull away from his arm as if he's on fire "right they've taken their photos let's go"

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now