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May 8th, our one year anniversary. I wake up and  now I know after a year his feelings will never change, there's no hope in him anymore. Not even the feeling of remorse killing all those children in the arena, but so far I've convinced him to let them train before the games, so one step at a time I guess.

I get up to get changed not bothering to wait for him to leave the room, simply because I don't care anymore. This is my one free day and I'm not wasting any minute of it being ordered about by Coriolanus.

Coriolanus lay in bed as he heard me awake, turning his head towards me

I could sense his gaze, watching me as I changed, a hint of curiosity coming through the coldness of his eyes.

"What?" I ask him as I continue to get changed "Nothing, I just wanted to say happy anniversary." He said happily "nothings happy in this house." I murmur "happy anniversary"

"What are you doing today" he asks "since it's our anniversary, we need to be seen by the public. Romantic walks all that kind of stuff people in love do" he mutters "I don't know what people in love do coryo, I've never been in love and never will be." I snap back.

Why he doesn't seek love bewilders me.

Why he doesn't seek someone he loves and cares about bewilders me.

Why he sends children to the games bewilders me.

Why he feels no remorse bewilders me.

Why he is psychotic bewilders me.

Coriolanus Snow bewilders me.

"But anyway, I'm busy" I snarl looking for my black blazer "busy doing what darling?" He said as I catch him staring, watching my every move "I'm meeting up with someone, but that's none of your business." "I'm your husband" "fake husband" I quickly corrected.

I can sense the anger pool to his eyes, I won't lie to myself and say I'm not scared but what's left to live for. Coriolanus paused in thought when I said I would be meeting someone.

"Who are you meeting?" he finally asked with a small hint of hope in his voice. "Just some guy" referring to Thread who'd I met while shopping yesterday. Turns out he can't commit a relationship and rather just have meaningless sex. No strings attached. Now that's an offer I can't refuse.

I've not had sex in over a year and to think about it, it's just depressing. "How do I look" I ask as I spin to show of my outfit, I don't care what he thinks because I know I look hot. I just want to show him what another man is getting tonight.

Coriolanus watched as I turned to him. The reveal of my outfit surely made his breath catch in his throat, the hint of jealousy in his chest increasing.

"You look beautiful..." he muttered, looking away. I scoff "Perfect, thank you"I walk over to my dress to put on some makeup

Coriolanus watched me put on makeup,  noticing that I was spending a lot longer than normal doing this. "What are you doing anyway" I ask while I put on red lipstick

Coriolanus snapped out of his trance of me as I spoke, he took a deep breath before answering, "a few small meetings with the generals... nothing too important."

If it were any other man, no human except Coriolanus they would be full of jealousy but you and I know he's not human. No humans brain functions the way his does, well I hope not.

"What about the games? You're really going to keep them going?" "Well, yes... that is my duty as the president" Coriolanus responded as he rolled out of bed, and began to get ready to leave the room, you could feel the distance and coldness in his voice.

His closet opened to 20 of the exact same shirt, blazer and trousers "The 19th Hunger Games, none of those children would have been alive in the dark days, what about the 70th games? None of the children will be alive probably not even, the little to no life expectancy you set them. How are we to evolve Coriolanus? What's the point? It's wasteful."

"Well, that is why there are tributes. To remind the districts to behave and to keep the peace." he answered, trying to make his voice not have any emotion in it.

"I just think it's pure evil but you carry on killing children, innocent children that is" I despise this man. Coriolanus remained silent.

Because what I said was true.

He knew that was what he was doing. He just refused to acknowledge it.

Instead of responding, he merely shook his head in disagreement and left the room, he had to get to those meetings.

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now