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How has she found Tigris, what did she tell her about me. What does she know about me. "Tell me what she told you, now" I say loudly, anger running though my veins.

I grab her wrists so quickly I hear her quickly inhale and try to pull away but I don't let her. I need answers.

"N- nothing she told me nothing, let go of me-"
"Tell me what she told you" I shout causing her to jump. I look at her eyes slowly fill up with tears as she says again she told her nothing. I know not to trust Tigris anymore. I wouldn't trust her after what I did to her.

I worried and I don't understand why, I don't understand why I care how she thinks of me. It shouldn't matter. It doesn't matter, is what I repeatedly tell myself but it eats at my heart she may hate me. Tigris is at the back of mind while she engulfs it, drowning me in those brown eyes. Burying me alive with my brain constantly think of her, even caring about her?

I tell myself that she isn't Lucy and I know that. So why do I feel for her? Why now after I've dug myself this hole of impure hatred. And I couldn't even hate I was thinking about her. It exited me.

She's something else.

But I don't want her knowing the someone else I am.

Because she's never see me the same. She'd never be the same. And it would haunt me because I'll know that I was the one who did it to her.

I should change for her, be better. But my mind is like a venus flytrap slowing poisoning all those I let in until they are nothing. And I could live with myself if I did that to her.

"promise me you won't believe her lies" "I-.. yes I promise I won't but why-" I walk away before she finishes. Lies. I know a lie because I've lied for majority of my life and now I know what she's just done I know what I must to to both of them. To her.

She's just lied. And we can't be having that can we Coriolanus?

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now