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Everything is falling in line. The plan I've created is in motion and is simple, except the last part. Apart from that he's soon to be fixed, become a changed man.

Now only to get away from him this very moment."don't be catching feelings for me now mr president" I say as I pick up my clothes that I dropped.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that darling, love is a gift I'm incapable of receiving. Remember our agreement, this marriage is a symbol of power, not love." He whispers as he moves his hand away from my waist and instead guides me by my shoulders deeper in our room.

"If you think I'd let you do that you must be insane darling." Short and unexplained as always but he doesn't know that I'm not only listening to his words but his eyes. "I'll leave you to get changed" he says but still doesn't tear his eyes away from mine.

The eyes of a monster staring back at me should send shivers down my spine but they don't, in stead I'm staring so deeply all I see is my reflection staring back at me.

The sound of one of the maids desensitising the stairs snaps us out of our trance and we both turn away from each other almost in unison from each other. As he walks out the door within three strides and closes the door behind him I change into my clothes and plop onto the bed.

I lay staring up into the ceiling processing all that's happened today: first I met Tigris someone from his past, then he got defensive and somewhat worried, then obviously turned to violence, and finally he showed me that he cared.

He could have easily punished me much more than he did, he didn't even leave a scratch on me but instead himself. I saw the look on his face when he realised what he'd done before it got out of hand and stoped on his own accord.

I think of last week, how simple things were. How we went ice skating and the most important thing on my mind was for him to feel for me as I felt for him, but every thing has taken a u turn and messed up the silly little life I wanted in my head.

As if all that happened has turned a simple romance story into a mystery story with one sided love. And I don't know which side is which

Nor I or him know what's going to end up happening but I know for certain it will be messy.

An hour passed by still stuck in my thoughts that I couldn't sleep so instead I attack my cuticles. He walks in thinking I've fallen asleep. Shirtless.

It's nothing I haven't seen before but the night light sending rays of light on each bump of his abs have thoughts swirling in my mind.

The words "have you finished staring" snap me out my trance.

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now