Chapter 18: Keeping Things Complicated

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Nova sighed, walking with Ahsoka through the familiar temple halls. The two girls just finished up another day of rigorous studying while their masters went off to fight in a war. Since they were gone, the two padawan didn't see as much reason to try too hard in their studies in the temple archives. Why tire themselves when they could be called to battle at any given moment?

After spending hours on end talking with each other, they had run out of things to say. Both of them were tired anyways, and headed off to their separate quarters in the temple when a groggy voice.

"Padawan Tano, Padawan Nova. Perfect timing, this is." They both turned around to see Master Yoda hobbling with his cane, Master Windu looking as mean as ever behind him.

"Your masters have returned to Coruscant. Come to greet them, will you?" Ahsoka and Nova's faces instantly lit up with the good news.

"Of course, master." Ahsoka tried not to sound too excited, not wanting to alert the old Jedi Masters of anything. I'm truth, she had won a bet with Anakin that his campaign would last more than a week. They were gone for eight Coruscanti rotations, and Ahsoka was now ten credits richer. Nova simply nodded eagerly.

They walked silently to the grand platform where the gunship landed. The blast doors opened to reveal Commander Cody, Captain Rex, a couple other clones and the Generals. Rex nodded politely to the Commanders, Cody waving curtly at them. Fives was the one who jumped up trying to leave to go to Nova, but he cried out when the blast doors shut on him.

Nova and Ahsoka chuckled discreetly with each other at Fives' nonsense. Echo could be seen through the crack of the blast doors shaking his head with a hand covering his forehead.

"Hello, masters." Anakin was alarmed by his padawan's formal tone and how, as was Obi-Wan when Nova followed Ahsoka's lead.

"Uh, hey, Snips?" A questioning look was shot her way in an insensitive manner that made Ahsoka groan while he blindly laughed at her weird behavior. Nova gave her Master the side eye towards their visitors. Obi-Wan hit Anakin in the elbow. He looked to the side to see Windu with Yoda a few feet away.

"Oh! Hello, Masters." Anakin bowed

"Master Kenobi, how good to see you've returned safely." Anakin noticed how Windu strictly left him out of the welcome home greeting card. His lips made a thin line, his body refusing to react to the unspoken hostility.

"Much to discuss with the council, we have." Master Yoda smiled kindly up at the young man.

"If it's all right with you, Master, I have my own matters I'd like to talk with council about as well. With my Padawan." Obi-Wan calmly requested as he hooked his hands together through his robe. Mace glared slightly behind them at his hand resting gently on Nova's shoulder.

Anakin and Ahsoka didn't excuse themselves before leaving the platform, instead opting to "sneak" away. Nova giggled, hearing Ahsoka berating him for calling her Snips in front of their Master's. Anakin left Ahsoka's side, ducking onto a cargo freighter after.

It was a short walk to the council chambers where the other masters were patiently conversing with each other while waiting. The hologram of Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Evan Piell, and Kit Fisto flickered to show the long distance between them.

"Greetings, to all of you. Important matters, we are here to discuss." Master Yoda started. Obi-Wan kept a firm grip on his padawan's shoulder, sensing her desire to run away.

"Would you mind horribly if we went first, Master?" Obi-Wan asked of Yoda. The smaller green man nodded to Obi-Wan, grunting as he pushed himself up into his chair.

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