Chapter 20: Harsh Reality of War

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It was a quiet day for Commander Nova. All she did was wake up, do some light training with Obi-Wan on the cruiser while getting heckled or supported by some of the troopers as they fought, eat a light breakfast from Waxer's stash of exotic foods (today's meal was from Florrum), and get peer pressured into playing the ultimate floor is lava game in the mess hall by lifting the troopers and surprise dropping certain ones of her choosing. After retreating back to her room with Waxer and Boil by her side, her com pinged.

"Yes, Master?" She asked, holding her fist up for the two behind her so they didn't bump each other.

"Nova, meet me on the bridge." Her com chirped. She jumped back at the sudden high pitched sound. Boil saw her struggle and pressed the right button for her.

"Oh. Thank you." She told Boil, totally forgetting Obi-Wan was on comms.

"Pardon?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing, Master. Be right there." She tapped the wrong button again, but luckily Boil hit the right one for her. She took off down the corridors on the way to the lift, Waxer and Boil in tow. They were happy to be back with their brothers about to be on the battlefield, but they never had to deal with the crippling anxiety Nova doing the same thing would cause them.

"You know, one day you're going to have to learn how to work that thing." Waxer told her. She groaned, rolling her eyes as they entered the turbo lift.

"I know, I know." She muttered. A moment later they were at the bridge. She ran in just behind Anakin and his Padawan.

"My squadron alone had 55 kills." Ahsoka boasted to her Master. Nova had the familiar pep in her step as she drew closer to Obi-Wan and Master Mundi staring outside the transient glass window panes to the void of space.

"Yeah, but mine had 76." Ahsoka rolled her eyes, playfully glaring at her Master.

"Show-off." As her eyes landed into their normal position, she spotted her favorite fellow padawan enter the bridge.

"Nova!" Ahsoka discarded the spot next to the reg working the navicomputer, hurdling towards her friend. Ahsoka and Nova happily hugged each other.

"Ah. And why're you late, my Padawan?" Obi-Wan turned to her with a small smirk on his face. Anakin chuckled behind him. Obi-Wan and the others turned to see him pointing at one of the camera screens.

"I think I might know." The screen Anakin was pointing to showed dozens of troopers floating about in the mess hall, two tiny horns blocking the outer portions of the camera lens.

"Nova, we talked about this. No levitating the men, no matter how much they ask." She groaned, rolling her eyes at the stupid rule. It wasn't Nova's fault she couldn't say no to them as much as they couldn't say no to her.

"Hey, if that were me doing that I'd be yelled at." Obi-Wan smirked at his younger Padawan, urging her to give it to him.

"Yeah, but if it was you the troopers wouldn't have asked in the first place." Ahsoka was first to openly guffaw at Skyguy over the silly comeback. Nova smirked as Anakin scoffed in amusement, taking it better than Obi-Wan thought he would.

"As hilarious as this is, we really must stay focused on the task at hand. Retaking Geonosis will not be an easy feat." Master Mundi served as the voice of reason in the crowd of children. Anakin cleared his throat.

"Agreed. Ahsoka, contact outer rim command. We're ready for our briefing." Ahsoka, now standing next to the communications stand reported in with a smile on her face.

"They're already waiting for us." The group of Jedi made their way to the war room behind them outside the bridge. The Masters admired both padawan's peppy walk. After the doors opened, outer rim command turned to see who they've been waiting for finally enter.

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