Chapter 13: Smooth Landings

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Lyra always liked being in on the plan, knowing what was going to happen and right now, Cody and Obi-Wan were not letting a soul in on whatever it was they were planning. Their apprehensive glances at each other set her nerves on high alert, as well as their shared smirks at each other when it was announced some ship was inbound.

Lyra thought the plan was to take a break from missions until Nova had sufficient practice to be able to use her light saber correctly in battle. Obi-Wan commed her on the Negotiator telling her to be mission ready in ten, and to meet Commander Cody in the hangar.

Well, she was in the hangar. No Commander in sight, except Nova, but she didn't really count as command in Lyra's eyes. Nova was laughing with her two clone friends as they painted a gunship all together. While she was enjoying every moment, it was an adjustment for Nova too. The first day of the troopers saluting her, she didn't know what they were doing and would snap at them to stop mocking her. Lyra always laughed about it though, luckily the troopers did too.

Lyra blew out a hot breath impatiently. She didn't have time for this. Instead of sitting here, she could be in her uncomfortable bed watching weird holovids without Nova to ask what the hell was going on every ten seconds or at every plot twist. Instead, a very different source of entertainment would be arriving shortly.

The ship the  aguely irritating Jedi and Commander were smirking at came into sight. Lyra squinted in attempt to see it, but found she didn't need to squint for much longer as it hurdled directly at her at a highly alarming speed.

"WATCH OUT!" Lyra shouted in warning before performing a dive roll across several feet to duck behind a group of crates out in the open. The air dispersed in a powerful wave that blew over the crates. Lyra acted fast and used her light saber to slice the heavy crate into fourths before it could hurt her. She turned off her light saber and stood angrily to her feet. She saw red as the ship so gently touched down in the hangar.

"Karking fool." She mumbled to herself as she stormed over to the opening of the ship. She recognized the series 1 Omicron-class attack shuttle from Republic records, but never before has she seen the exterior in such shambles. She tapped her foot with her arms crossed, impatiently waiting for whoever's dumbass was in there. The ramp creased as smoke blew from the tubules attached to it. A stair case descended, a two lone clones walking down. She happily marched up to meet them before the first one in line could take a full step onto the ground.

"Hey, you!" The person who appeared to be a clone commando glanced around before pointing to himself with a taken aback look under his helmet.

"Yeah, you. Who the hell is your pilot?"

"Who the hell is asking?" The man behind him quipped. Lyra furrowed her brows at his appearance. He had a stand of red markings across his unique armor. His specialized helmet indicating he was the sniper of the group.

"Someone who almost died because whoever flew this ship didn't give a bantha shit!" She cried, her voice cracking with anger. The sniper stifled the snort in the back of his throat. The Sergeant still standing at the front tried to calm her down.

"Easy, ma'am. Our ship was damaged in our last mission. Our pilot did the best he could." Despite defending him, the Sergeant did just finish giving his younger brother a stern talking to about the harsh landings.

"I don't know, Tech, the blue lady out there seems pretty scary." She heard a loud voice say out of nowhere. She could feel the presence of someone large, yet wildly friendly just around the corner of the ship. Whoever it was, they didn't understand the concept of whispering quite yet. A smaller presence trembling with fear next to him. Good, Lyra though.

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