Chapter 16: Preparation

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Nova and Obi-Wan strode through the hallowed halls of the grand Jedi Temple in peaceful silence. Nova had pep in her every step as she landed in her heels and happily jumped a little off her toes with each step.

"You're very excited for this, aren't you?" Obi-Wan brought up her anxious attitude toward the test they walked towards with an amused smile on his face while he stared adoringly at Nova jump up and down and all around.

"You know me, Master. Always one for a new challenge." Plus, Nova was ready to see what she fast forwarded through as someone who went straight to a Padawan. The term youngling was never used to describe her, unlike the hundreds of other children who will one day become padawans like her.

"Plus, I love little kids. Aren't they just the cutest?" Nova yanked on his robes sleeve with the thrill of the new adventure just around the corner getting to be too much for Nova to keep to herself. She was oblivious to her Master's knowing smirk.

"Yes, yes they are." Nova caught onto his tone, then catching his expression towards her.

"Hey, I'm not a little kid." She said in a hushed voice. Obi-Wan found it hard not to go "aww" in her face just to rub it in.

"Doesn't mean you don't act like one on occasion." Nova gasped, never pretending to be so offended in her life.

"I'll have you know I am a very emotionally stable, responsible, young adu—hey look it's—" Nova got distracted while waving at a nice padawan she met the other day. She realized she was in the middle of another point before interrupting herself to childishly wave at her friend. Nova cleared her throat and wrapped her formerly jittery hands behind her back with her chin held high. Obi-Wan glanced down, realizing she was still walking with her signature goofy pep.

"Uh-huh. Right. Childlike qualities are nothing to be embarrassed of having, Nova. You should hold onto them for as long as you can." Not only because Obi-Wan would miss seeing her bounce on her heels to her toes in anticipation or because he'd miss the endless questions, but he also wanted to give her a happy childhood.

She obviously was like this because she hadn't had one before, Obi-Wan wanted to keep Nova in the blinding light for as long as possible before she was inevitably dragged into the true darkness of war.

"Whatever you say, Master." She sighed with a gentle smile on her face making Obi-Wan think he still somehow managed to lose. He strolled up to the proper door until it opened.

"In you go." He gently guided her inside with a small touch to her back lek. Nova smiled cheekily at the padawans as they gasped wildly and perked up at the sight of an older kid.

"Hush, children. Master Kenobi has brought us a special guest today, and we shall treat her with respect, yes?"

"Yes, Master." All the little kids mumbled to the elder gentleman teaching them. All of them said it, except for a faint, goofy sounding roar in the background. Nova and all the other kids glanced behind them to see a small Wookiee waving freely at her.

"Gungi, focus please. Show respect to your masters." Gungi growled an apology. Obi-Wan and Nova nodded respectfully to the other students in the room, the Padawan copying her Master with an attentive eye. Nova was careful to not mess this up by speaking out of turn, much unlike any other time she was brought into the council chambers.

"Is there a reason for your presence today, Master Kenobi?" Master Sinube asked the much taller man, glancing over to Nova with a kind smile on his face.

"Just thought I would drop my Padawan off, see if she could teach them a lesson or two." Nova jumped in her spot, her eyes growing wide with shock. He told her she was hear to hear the lesson, which was something she was perfectly happy with. But teaching? She was supposed to be the one being taught, so what was this?

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