Chapter 15: Wasted Ambitions

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The Clone Wars
Season 2
Begins Now

Coruscant was a truly remarkable planet. It's beauty was incomprehensible to visitors, yet a tantalizing home for those who chose to let the lovely planet be such. Every day, lights would glow throughout the many different shapes and sizes of buildings on topside.

She loved the way traffic moved so steadily. People drove at the same pace in the linear pathway so smoothly based off their routine from yesterday and the day before. The amount of trust the people driving the brightly or duly colored speeders we're willing to put in each other to comprise the busy airways was astounding.

Sunrise was her second favorite part of her overly repetitive day. It was the time of day everything seemed happy, and safe. Both of which was in short supply these days. The sky was made from the same yellows and oranges, just mixed together to create a beautiful blend of hundred of different shades or tints that each highlighted every structure or building in its own unique way.

Aurora found herself glancing up more than usual lately. Frown lines crept onto her smooth skin from her unfortunate despair. More and more, military ships occupied the orbit above her. She always found herself hoping Nova was on one of them safe and sound on Coruscant. Aurora decided to stop dwelling on things she couldn't control and focused her gaze towards the city once more.

The fresh sunlight just barely peaking through the misty fog reflected off some panels of nearby skyscrapers. Every building had its own special bends to show off the intuitive designers modifications. No building had the same top sticking above the mysterious fog.

The inhabitants of such buildings would create a luminescent parade of stories for Aurora's entertainment. Someone leaving to go pick their child up from school turns the living room light off before they go. A parent from work coming home to see their kids, turning the light on in their bedroom to say good night properly. Every light had a story.

Aurora would love nothing more than to sit on her friend's balcony for hours to see every light turn on and off, constantly imagining new and creative tales of possibilities. The thought has occurred to her several times that maybe, perhaps everything she imagines is something she longs for.

"Here already? The Senate assembly doesn't start for another hour you know." Riyo exited her quarters after changing into the outfit Aurora chose for her. Aurora wasn't ready to leave the exhilarating city she's fallen in love with yet, but her duties called. She got out of her seat and walked gracefully over to her dear friend.

"You know me, I'm always one for punctuality." Riyo narrowed her eyes as Aurora bent down in front of her to lace up her fancy boots.

"Mhm. I do know you, which is why I know you're not telling me about something." Riyo was always right when it came to Aurora's social cues. However, the young handmaiden refused to give away anything as she finished gingerly tying up the laces in double knots so the Senator wouldn't trip.

"Well, you remember my two friends from Orto Plutonia, right?" Riyo nodded with a short roll of her eyes, seeing where this was obviously going from a mile away.

"The Separatist kids?" Aurora chuckled, ticking her head to the side. She was upset that she couldn't argue over either of those adjectives.

"Yep, those are the ones. Lyra is supposed to be coming back to Coruscant today. I was wondering if I may be allowed to waive my responsibilities as your handmaiden for today, Riyo. I told her she could meet me here while the senate meeting would still be in session so you wouldn't be disturbed—" Aurora ran out of breath from blurting it all out at once.

"Of course you can, Aurora. I can make it without seeing my best friend for a little while." Aurora smiled, sitting next to her friend at the lengthy dining table.

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