✧~Chapter Six~ ✧

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These next two chapters are very short because I'm brain rotting thanks to finals coming up. Also there's not gonna be consistent updates most likely since im running into a bit of writer's block.

Zephrys and Marshall both had their heads tilted to the side as they stared in confusion. They were looking at a map of the city. The two had just gotten off the ship, they were offered to stay until the ship had docked but Marshall couldn't stand being on there any longer. Now the two were stuck at a stand still as they stared at a map. There was a strange trait for demons to not be able to understand maps. Nobody could explain it but then again demons had a lot of strange traits probably since they can mess with life and death. But on occasion this trait was passed onto their necromancers. This was a very true statement for Marshall and Ulysses as neither could read a map. Give them a book and they'd have all the information possible within the day. But a map? Haha funny concept.

So now they were stuck staring at a map of the city. The two looked at each other then shrugged and began to walk through the busy streets. Oxalis would still be a few days out so they had plenty of time to wander the city and hopefully figure it out. Usually marshall would ask for instructions to where they were going, seeing as zephrys would probably cry trying to ask, but they were not in any kind of rush. The language happened to be one they spoke so the signs and businesses made sense.

"Are there good libraries here?" zephrys questioned as the two walked, they were out of step from each other as they walked but marshall kept a pace zephrys could keep up with. "Hm? Ah i forgot you haven't been here. We spent so long in Wisteria is made me forget where we've been. But yes, there are several to my knowledge. But I haven't been here in quite some time.. So I can't recall where they've been. If you want i can ask Eclipse. She often comes by here when his human isnt being a pain in their side," Marshall says smiling faintly at zephrys. He just wanted an excuse to see one of his partners and zephrys knew that, but she also liked talking to Eclipse. "I don't see why not if she knows this place better than us.. Yea maybe we can meet them somewhere," zephrys says looking around. Marshall nods, smiling proudly, "I'll tell them once we settle."

As the two nodded in agreement they slowly turned their heads to witness a slightly loud, energetic, masked man that had a crow mask and a feathery cloak. "Another necromancer," zephrys whispers as Marshall nodded. It wasn't hard to tell another necromancer from each other seeing as the mana produced by necromancers is unique to them. Even if you can practice a sub category it's still obvious you're a necromancer. It doesn't matter if you yourself can't use it if it's in your blood you are one of them. But in this case this man was clearly a practicing necromancer. The worried woman next to him gave it away. She was most likely his demon or a necromancer traveling with him. But they both smelt of death, zephrys wasn't sure if it was something only she noticed or everyone did. But to her each magic had a smell to it; necromancers had the most pungent smell of death, fire mages smelt of burning would over a campfire, ice mages smelt like ice cream. She couldn't explain most of the smells of sub categories but all necromancers smelt of one thing, as did healers hence her hating doctor visits.

Zephrys gestured to Marshall to walk another way but as they turned to leave suddenly the energetic crow looking man was in front of them. Even through the dark mask his bright eyes almost seemed to be illuminated with excitement. Zephrys mumbled a swear under her breath as Marshall raised an eyebrow confused at what the boy wanted. Usually necromancers who were unfamiliar with one another kept it as such. "You," the man says pointing a finger close to zephrys face. Zephrys flinches back, nearly falling, making Marshall rest a hand on her lower back to keep her steady. "Your Oxalis Nytes little sister right?" Marshall and Zephrys glanced at each other before staring back at the man.

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