✦~Chapter Five~ ✦

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Oxalis took uneasy steps as she followed Makin up the steep stairs. Makin stepped up the final step and then began walking down a narrow hallway after a bit he stopped at a door, opening it with a slight slam. "Here's y'all room. Are you two sure ya don't want two rooms?" makin questions as Oxalis stepped into the room. "One room is fine thank you," Ulysses says smiling then walks into the room shutting the door. Oxalis glanced at the door then made her way to the bed pulling her bag off her shoulder and dropping it onto the bed. When it impacted it caused the pillows and blankets to slightly hop into the air. Oxalis turned her head to examine the room; the bed was shoved between two walls and a large slightly opened window, there were about five pillows on the full-sized bed a large comforter with a smaller throw blanket, a desk, and a wardrobe were placed against the longer wall with a simple painting hung above the simple wooden desk, the floor was a dark hardwood that looked clean enough. Oxalis looked at the window taking a deep breath then let it out as she closed the curtains. Ulysses hummed as he leaned against the wooden desk resting his body against it, "Y'know this isn't bad." "Please tell me you are becoming country from being around him," Oxalis says quietly as Ulysses laughs and smiles then walks up behind her. Ulysses wraps his arms lazily around Oxalis's shoulders leaning slightly onto her, "What's with you and your intolerance for country accents." "I don't have an intolerance for country accents. I simply find them. Tiring after traveling the country so long," Oxalis says, taking another deep break. Ulysses nods as he lets go and walks around the room, he could tell she wanted some essence of privacy so she could remove her mask.

Ulysses had seen Oxalis' face a million times, at least he felt like it. But it didn't matter because Oxalis herself couldn't stand the face she now had. Once Oxalis felt Ulysses wasn't staring at her she removed her mask letting her shoulder-length brown hair fall loosely. "You should take a nap, I'll grab the food from Makin so you can sleep,'' Ulysses says as he stretches his body. Oxalis nods faintly as she unbuttons the heavy coat she wore constantly then slides it off revealing a simple long green top with loose sleeves and form-fitting black pants that were slightly hidden by the slightly baggy top. Oxalis had an hourglass figure she preferred to hide as she always seemed to notice small issues in how she looked; the slight chub on her stomach, the stretch marks covering her hips, and the way she had noticeable hip dips. But mostly she cared about comfort when traveling and a large coat was perfect, seeing as she always felt cold. Oxalis unbuckled her high mid-calf length black boots and slid them off then took off the long black gloves she wore, mainly for germs, revealing her neutral-toned slightly tanned skin. After she lifted the blanket and laid down covering most of herself only leaving some of her faces out. Her hair fell into her face as she shut her eyes to attempt to sleep. Once Ulysses saw her body relax he smiled and walked out of the room quietly shutting the door.

After what felt like an eternity of tossing and turning oxalis couldn't seem to rest. So she sat herself up making her brunette hair cover her face as she stared at her lap. Oxalis brushed her hair back and went to reach for her mask before realizing it wasn't there. Oxalis stared through her hair, piercing satin gray eyes being slightly visible as she sighed. Oxalis lifts the blanket and places her feet on the ground, a chill rushing her body as she feels the freezing floor. Oxalis lifts her feet slightly before placing them down and standing. She makes her way to the door and opens it slowly peeking her head out ever so slightly. Oxalis steps into the hallway then trips and falls down the stairs crashing into the wall with a grown. She then uses the wall to stand up rubbing her head flinching in pain and pulls her hand back seeing blood. Oxalis turns her head up slightly, noticing blood slowly flowing closer to her. Oxalis' eyes widen as her body freezes, only allowing her head to turn up slightly. Her eyes stopped when she saw the hand, one that haunted her for years. The hand belonged to a woman and bore a unique branding one that was forced into the hands of a specific group. Not only did she notice that but a special ring made of black steel. Before she could react she felt hands placed on her shoulders, familiar ones. Oxalis turned her head back slightly, noticing it was Ulysses' hands. But she couldn't utter a word before she let out a scream as she was shoved to the ground. Oxalis hit a stone pavement with a small smack sound as tried to stand but felt something wrapping around her wrists. She felt cold metal and then noticed thick metal chains enclosing her wrists before yanking her to the floor. Oxalis flinched as she felt she could only close her eyes tight like a scared child.

Once she was able to open her eyes she sat up quickly, realizing she was back in the room. Oxalis finally noticed her breathing had picked up into nearly a gasp for oxygen then looked down at her hands as her breathing slowed and her hair enclosed her face. "Oxalis~ I have jambalaya! Whatever that is. I'm coming in!" Ulysses called out and opened the door. Once he stepped in he stopped in an instant as he looked at Oxalis. Ulysses walked to the desk placing the plate of food on the table before walking to Oxalis. He positioned himself so he sat next to her but slightly back and opened his arms for her. Oxalis glanced at Ulysses then laid on his chest holding on tightly to his shirt. Ulysses wrapped his arms around Oxalis talking quietly, "It's ok it was just a dream darling. Nothing will hurt you like that again."

Ulysses knew very vague information about what happened to Oxalis before he was contracted to her. She was roughly about 10 years old when he first met her. She was a scared little girl that needed help. He agreed and for nearly 19 years had been by her side trying his best to ensure nobody would harm her. Even if she had grown into a powerful woman who didn't show fear he saw through that and knew she was the same little girl. Even if Ulysses was curious he never asked, Oxalis would answer if he asked but he felt it was wrong to pry. But he was happy to comfort his friend he held dear for so long. 

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