✦~Chapter Three~ ✦

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A/N sorry for grammar issues like bad spelling I usually go back later and fix it. 


Oxalis and Ulysses had been walking for about an hour. They were stuck in this cycle of pure silence but not their usual kind. The feeling of unease was evident as the only noise echoing the silent path was the sound of their footsteps that fell heavier as they approached closer to the city. Oxalis felt as if their heart was going to pound out of her chest with how loud she felt it was beating. She knew that was impossible but it didn't help how she felt. The weight of everything was growing as they began to see the tall dark walls encaging the large capital city form over the once calm path. It almost was as if the world around them fell into silence, no animals running around or birds chirping. It was ominously quiet.

Ulysses was the first to break the never ending silence, "how are you feeling?" Even though oxalis heard the question from her companion she couldn't snap out of the daze her mind had set her in. It was common in all honesty for her to be trapped in her own head. She was a dreamer as everyone always called her, but in honesty she didn't dream. She planned and got lost in her mind, seemingly nobody could pull her from the world she made in her own head. This time was different however, she wasn't planning. Her thoughts were racing about what was right to do. She wanted to help people as she heard a rumor a royal was sick, it was her instinct at this rate to help. Another part of her wanted to push through quickly, get sleep and supplies then be on her way to the docks to find a way to meet with her sister.

For some odd reason though she couldn't stop thinking about ways to help. She knew what these people did to her kind. But it didn't stop that thought, that instinct, from creeping on her. "Oxalis!" Ulysses called out, snapping her out of the daze. Oxalis turned her head to her friend, a puzzled feeling overtaking her at the sudden urgency in his voice. "Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to yell. You get in your own head a lot and I didn't want you to get lost," Ulysses says with a smile at his friend. He was used to this by now but always worried. He never stopped worrying in honesty; between his little necromancer and his lovers he had his hands full, sadly. Ulysses tended to keep arms length from the necromancers he was contracted to, he had lost too many. But something about this new one he couldn't help but worry and care for her. "I'm alright," Oxalis says, nodding her head slightly. "Well I know that. You may be in your own world up there but you can handle yourself," Ulysses says smiling and flicks the forehead of oxalis, or at least the mask. Despite the mask's thickness she felt it and stumbled back slightly, "hey!" "hey what?" Ulysses says with a devilish smile. "Ugh. you're a pest." oxalis says rolling her eyes then keeps walking. Ulysses couldn't help but let out a low chuckle as he continued to follow closely, "you love me."

While their light hearted conversation was nice it soon stopped as they turned their heads to see the large gates. The two stopped on a hill off the main path to watch for a second. Some cities like these don't allow outsiders so they wanted to see how many travelers were passing through. Oxalis watched the bridge, seeing a long line of people, all holding files or cards. Luckily on oxalis and Ulysses travels a kind older man who used to travel with his wife had given them their travel cards. (Travel cards are used as a form of passports to pass between cities/countries legally. Every new country tests the travelers for diseases then stamps the cards. It's a process that takes no more than an hour seeing as usually before leaving a country the travelers take the same tests, just in case.) oxalis reached into her bag and pulled out two passport style envelopes. One was a deep maroon with gold flower and rose embroidering, the colors of a country far to the north where the woman was originally from. The other was a royal blue with silver animal embroidering, courtesy of the grand magic council. The man they met had been a soldier for the grand magic council so was practically allowed to go anywhere with anyone. Seeing as Ulysses resembled someone who could've been a soldier there it was an easy cover story that he was medically discharged and now the two travel together. They did have to pretend to be married depending on how close the soldiers looked. Seeing as the only thing fixed about the passports were the names.

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