Ch 21. Slave, Smack, And Boom.

Start from the beginning

This isn't working.

"Why didn't you come back to the dorm yesterday?" Darrén asked when I got back(just to get my toothbrush preparing to spend another night at Emíne's room. I remembered what she told me yesterday.

"Do not tell Darrén or I'll tell!" she had repeated several times.

"I... I spent the night with Sarah." I knew that was going to work. He looked slightly sad but cheered up and made me think that it was just my imagination. It just feels awkward between me and Darrén nowadays. At least when I'm Chris. He just went back to looking at his Iphone. Emotionless. He may be like that but I feel quite hyperactive since I drank some cokes. Yes, Coke is like a Red Bull to me. I was so hyperactive that I jumped around his bed asking why he's so boring and telling him that he should get a girlfriend. I was so full of new power that I didn't notice how close I got to him. I was only about one inch away from his cheek.

Then the unthinkable happened.

He turned his face to me, ready to yell something like "Fucking stop!" but he couldn't say a thing since my lips were on his. This is a big trouble. The guy Chris, is kissing Darrén when he's sober! I'll see you in hell when he beats me up. I pulled away as if I got a shock. I even fell down the floor making some CD's from the table fall down getting some cracks. He looked as shocked as I was and it was like I looked into a mirror. I thought he was going to kill me, saying that it was gross or something but he just turned away and pretended like it never happened.

And that's how I got away from the tiger I guess. It's creepy how he let me off like that.


"Get some ice in it." she said, looking at the LED TV she had bought with her own money. I had even gotten used to her queen-like attitude and went to every order as if it was my duty to. But all this time it was like I was just an empty shell, that just does the orders. Emíne seems to notice it after a while when I did all her orders perfectly, flawless.

"What have happened?"

I looked away, thinking of the embarrassing incident just now.

"Don't fucking ignore me!" she screamed.

"Nothing you should care of!" I fought back, knowing that I'd regret it later on.

"I don't fucking care but if I ask you to tell me, you tell me!"

"It's personal stuff and you don't have anything to do with this!"

We kept fighting all night. But I wasn't really offended of everything she said. It felt like we were fighting as if it's for the best. Oh yeah. I totally forgot that. I remembered the time when Ambreal told me how Emíne and Darrén show their affections to each other. Maybe she's trying to show it to me?

Okay, don't get your hopes up now. Darrén came back up in my head and I went crazy. I couldn't even think like a normal person now just because of him!

"What the hell! You're fired!" she yelled. Freedom.

"I'm glad!" I screamed as loud as I could.


"H-Hi." I said, all awkwardly.

"Yo." he said as if the world doesn't have a care. What? He's acting like nothing happened. Is that possible after what happened some hours ago? Oh well this is fine enough. And I'm not even thinking of mentioning about what happened.

He was all dressed up.

"Where are you going?" I sat on my bed comfortably.

"To a party."

"Where?" I asked, all curious.

"Home." his voice said, without any different tone from the previous answers.


"Yeah, it's kind of a party for Emíne because she's back, and more famous." I nodded. When he has mentioned Emíne I couldn't stop thinking annoying thoughts about her.

"Emíne's really scared of ghosts isn't she?" I blurted, remembering our fight. He wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Uh no? What the hell are you talking about?"

Wait. She's not scared of ghosts? That girl tricked me! She just wanted to torture me, making me stay over there!

"Just something Emíne said I guess." I covered up my tracks.

"Whatever. I guess I'll take my leave then." he said, and went over to the door. Before he could touch the door I said something I regret.

"Are you sure that you should go?"

He turned around.

"What?" Now it's to late.

"Because... Your mom will be there right?" His eyes widened.

"How do you know?!"


It turned quiet for a while. I looked down at my black socks. Again, I look somewhere else when I don't dare to face Darrén's anger. Well if I assumed wrong he may not be angry at all.

"I really don't want to go you know." I looked up, meeting his serious face. "But I have to, for Emíne. I'm sure that mom will try to convince me into something but I won't fall for it so don't worry." He left.

How boring. When Darrén is at the party and Tom is gone with his friends what am I going to do? ... The music room! I jumped up from my bed, prepared to go to the bathroom and bring my makeup bag but then my chest vibrated. Well, the left chest did(that's where I keep Sarah's phone).

"Hello?" I answered, and noticed that again, I didn't look at the screen to see who it was. Habits sure die hard.

"Hey Sarah." a dark voice answered and I knew that it was the voice that just left this room.

"Hi Darrén." I don't know why but I automatically smiled, not knowing why.

"I'm going to a party tonight and wonder if you want to come? Emíne pleaded me yesterday that I'd bring you there to celebrate her fame." Emíne?! Oh, yesterday huh? But I don't think that she wants it now since we fought an hour ago. I should reject this. But I couldn't. Maybe I can clear this up with her. And I can keep an eye on Darrén regarding his mom. Not a bad idea.

"Sure. When is the party?"

"In about twenty minutes. I'll pick you up, where are you?"

"Oh you don't need to pick me up, I'll be at the guys dorm in ten minutes okay?" I convinced him. I need time to fix my make-up. He gave me an ok and I threw away the phone as soon as he hung up, and went straight to the bathroom.

Wonder how it's gonna be like. 


Next one's going to give u all a surprise :) That some characters does have a bigger meaning than you think :)


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