The break up

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Wiz Willy pov.

"Let go of me you whore", Bebe yelled at my new toy as she has a sturdy grip on her hair.

I observe the hilarious sight as Bebe is covered in bee stings. Not as professional as she claims. Emily and I are also covered in bee stings so im taking quite a while to recover.

"GIRLS ENOUGH. EHY ARE YOU FIGHTING LIKE CHILDREN", I yell fiercely, trying to stop this selfishness.


"A poly relansionship doesn't mean im with her. It means im with both of you and I love you equally", I stated with slight tears in my eyes.

"If you loved me, we wouldn't be in a poly relationship."

"Actually, I think Emily is quite different. She always brings me my favoitrte breakfast in bed, fruit loops. She always dresses me in my favorite sweats and barnie t-shirt. She makes time for me and always role plays as my father which is extremely soothing.", I state in return as Emily lets go of Bebe and comes to my side, her fingers caressing my Carmel blonde hair.

"And I didn't take care of you when you were fully paralyzed? Did I not change your diapers and feed you or was that Emily?", Bebe questions. " you know what. Im never going to be a second option. We're done with this relationship. Me and you. Over.", she continues.

Im feeling quite vulnerable right now. I cant think straight and my heart feels like its beating everywhere.

In all honesty, our relationship changed ever since I told her I wanted to be poly. I don't exactly blame her, but I also feel like I need to follow my dreams and desires.

I can't let her stop me, even if it means losing her in the process.

Pimp pov.

I didn't win my mafia game as all this madness erupted which is pissing me off.

But what wiz did was beyond unimaginable. The only reason I believed in true love was because of them. Bebe was even willing to become a caregiver for wiz but look where that got her.

She's running out the door when I drag filly with me to follow her.

"Wait for me you ballsacks", a naked Floyd yells, grabbing the nearest coat he can find which is Bebes bright orange polka dot coat.

His entire legs are showing as he then heads to the shoe rack to grab some rain boots.

We then all run after Bebe yelling, "darling wait for us."

She turns around with mascara running down her eyes and, in that moment, my heart felt something like never before. Emotion.

I couldn't believe I got to the stage where im actually feeling something other than emptiness.

"Fuck wiz. That little cunt doesn't know what he just lost. We're going to Thrill Arena to forget about all of this and have fun", I state.

Thrill Arena is the biggest theme park in America which just so happens to be in New York.

"YES", Bebe says in excitement as she jumps up and down, suddenly forgetting about the sturdy and emotional encounter that happened a few seconds ago which puts a smile on our faces.

I can sense that today is going to be an amazing day.

Or will it?

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