Restart the battery

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Announcement: hello my darling angels. I hope you missed me 😉 before reading i just wanna say that for every chapter there's going to be a song that's connected to it that ill display on top so you could play it whilst reading. I believe my writing style did change but it nevertheless doesnt strip the story from its worth & value. Hope you enjoy and dont hesitate to share your experience and suggestions for upcoming chapters!!!

Bébé pov.

I've changed drastically ever since Wiz swallowed the pill that eliminated his disability and helped him grow a pair of long, muscular legs.  After the seducing show, id fallen in love all over again for the first time.

Although this wasn't an easy relationship as he'd stated he wants to be in a poly relationship. I was defemitaly not on board and yelled at him multiple times whilst choking him harshly and suffocating him with my luscious hair that could compete with a horse tail.

Now I'm sitting in our 24 karat golden living room with filly to my left watching loony tunes and pimp on my right playing this mafia game on his Samsung whilst biting his lips in focus, which is mostly the only source of dominance he gets.

All of this whilst poor baby wizzy is pounding on new meat blonde bitch Emily in the next room as everything is heard due to the paper thin walls.

He could've taken her to the sound proof sex dungeon but no. He decided to broadcast their moans of pleasure, disgusting everyone in sight. Although i have a feeling he did it on purpose to piss me off but i have a trick or two up my sleeve to get my revenge.

I walk towards our humongous 5000 meter garden. It is absolutely phenomenal with the lagoon pool in the center and different vibrant flowers encircling the garden. But i head to the trees.

As i reach, i find exactly what im looking for. The bee hive.

Yes, I've become a prefesiannal bee keeper. I have gotten stung around 56 times and some in questionable places but I've grown to love bees. The way their ass contains a sharp thing that fends off any threat has me wishing i was a bee. Therefore, i transitioned to a bee/ber (my new pronouns).

Sometimes when no ones looking, i grab my bee costume from the depths of my walking closet and act like a bee whilst buzzing around the mansion as i pretend to sting objects around the house.

One time i accidentally tipped over the vintage vase that belonged to pimps great grandmother, Alberta, which woke everyone up. So i quesckly drugged johnny who lays unconscious on the couch whilst placing him near the vase so it could look like he did it.

He got whipped by pimp whilst still unconscious.

Thank god it wasn't me.

Anyways, back to my plan for vengeance. I slowly lift the bee hive whilst shushing the bees. The queen bee suddenly starts attacking me whilst the rest of her clan follow.

I try not to scream as i quickly get the queen bee off of my face and place her back gently. I feel like im about to pass out due to the severe pain but i need to fulfill this plan.

So i run into the house with my swollen face. Pimp and filly dont seem phased at all. Probably witnessed much worse than a mad woman running carrying a bee hive.

I then open the door to wiz and the whore whilst throwing the hive on their face.

They start screaming extremely loud as they try to open the door but im holding in closed with my dominant physique.

This gets the attention of evryone as Floyd runs out the shower naked, creating a sight i certainly didnt want to see.

Or maybe i did.

The man is so sexy with his 14 inch member that twitches every time he sees me. I think that's a sign.

I walk in slow motion to him sudductievly, forgetting that the door had opened.

But all is care about right now is Floyd. I missed his dominance back when i used to be his slave.

As I reach him, i grab the member whilst stroking it gradually.

" WHATY THE ACTAUK FUCJ ARE YOU DOINGH", he yells, backing away with a disgusted look.

" i just missed you baby", i said with my puppy dog eyes that work even on the gay community.

In the middle of my seduction, i feel a striking grip on my hair, creating a burning sensation.

Whoever created this chaos in about to get the worst punishment they better pray they'll come out of this alive.

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