Untitled Part 20: Graceful Charm

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"Oak," Neven smiled, arms open to greet the towering figure approaching them.

The figure rushed towards them in tears, Oak effortlessly lifting Neven off the ground, almost depriving him of breath. Tears and mucus mingled as Oak's voice trembled with excitement and reassurance, "I heard you've returned, I thought they were deceiving me, I thought you were... thank heavens... you're okay..." His voice quivered, emotions overflowing as tears blurred Neven's shirt.

"Alright, Oak, loosen up a bit, you're holding too tight," Neven broke free, his wound reopening, staining the already damp sleeve even redder with fresh blood.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were hurt, I'll go find a doctor..." Oak wiped away tears.

Neven waved it off. "Just a scratch from the Night Ghoul."

Oak wiped his tears, producing a small key. "I've kept this for you, Lyra said only you could enter the Grand Mentor's room."

"Is Lyra now the Commander of Starguard?" Neven asked, taking the key.

"Yes, she's been in charge since you disappeared, she said she'd resign if you came back..."

"No, Lyra is more suited than me." Neven refused, gripping the key tightly, his brow furrowed in thought. "The Grand Mentor, he..."

Oak nodded, teeth clenched, and both fell into silence.

A cold wind swept through, snowflakes drifting down.

Aria coughed deliberately.

"I almost forgot about you," Neven snapped back, pushing Aria towards Oak. "Alpha may have already informed the Lunar King that I'm back, I have to go explain. Take care of Aria for me, she's a mortal from beyond the barrier, find her a separate room."

"You mean she's..." Oak's eyes instantly welled up. "My goodness, a true mortal, I'm honored." Oak extended a friendly hand, revealing two large, square teeth.

Aria shyly reached out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Oak. And, you're really strong."

After Neven left, Oak began to regale them with tales from the Moon Tower. He boasted about his proudest achievement, earning the title of Best Warrior. He recounted how he single-handedly slew a hundred Night Ghouls in the Northern Woods, earning him a whole bag of venison jerky from Lyra as a reward. The mere thought of food made Oak's mouth water uncontrollably.

Oak ushered Aria down the corridor, where ancient oil paintings adorned the arches on either side. Aria's steps were hesitant, as if she were treading on thin ice with each stride. Deep within her, fear surged as memories of that year flooded back, when Thanatos cruelly stripped her of her scales in this very hall.

"Why aren't you moving?" Oak urged, his strong arm gripping her wrist tightly as he pulled her into the hall.

"Wait, Oak..."

As Aria was dragged inside, she stood frozen at the doorway, the warmth of the candlelight gradually dispelling the terrifying memories. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

Candles flickered softly on the vaulted ceiling, casting a gentle glow throughout the hall. Neatly arranged tables filled the space, laden with delicious food as soldiers of the Moon Tower dined and chatted, their laughter echoing in the hall. Flames danced in brass braziers, casting the hall in a warm, red hue, while ancient banners hung on the walls shimmered faintly in the firelight. Staircases on either side of the hall led to towers in all four directions, adorned with exquisite decorations that spoke of past grandeur.

"This is our dining hall, stocked with food every morning, noon, and night. Help yourself, it's all free," Oak explained.

At the end of the corridor loomed a grand archway, its door carved with intricate patterns, exuding an air of solemnity. They made their way through the bustling hall, where no one seemed to notice the large Oak leading a small Aria inside, all attention consumed by the lively atmosphere.

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