Untitled Part 7: Endless Machinations

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"I've prepared a surprise for you," Thanatos pointed to the edge of the square and continued, "a gift for my future wife. You'll surely appreciate it."

Aria followed his gaze and felt shocked once again. Oliver stood on the farther end, his leg injured and wrapped in bandages. Two guards held his arms, and the slender Oliver looked like a puppet hanging between two burly soldiers, swaying precariously.

"See, shouldn't you thank me? That day, I not only saved your life but also rescued your friend, and I arranged for the best doctor for him," Thanatos cast a meaningful glance. "Actually, I didn't plan to do this, but I was afraid you'd cause trouble. If you cooperate very well today, I promise your friend will be safe."

Until her father, King Magnus, was burned alive on the pyre, Aria didn't utter a word, silent tears sliding down her face. She didn't want her father to know she was here, which was why she requested Thanatos not to announce the engagement while her father was still alive, a request he tacitly agreed to.

As Thanatos pulled Aria towards the crowd to announce their engagement, the square erupted in jeers. But the insults and mockery only made Thanatos smile more satisfied.

"Didn't you want to know why I'm marrying you? If I marry King Magnus's daughter, guess... will those followers come to rescue you?" he affectionately kissed Aria's hand and whispered.

Aria wanted to slap him hard, but he held her hand.

"Are you using me?" Aria hissed lowly.

"I intend to root out the weeds," he sneered. "Actually, your father knew I was going to marry you, but he cares more about his subjects. He didn't even offer a blessing for our engagement." He deliberately squeezed Aria's hand, making the wounds from the scales her had shed even more painful.

King Magnus's downfall was merely the beginning of this disaster, his blood staining the soil of Sovereign Bastion. Meanwhile, Aria's grief and anger seemed to scorch her soul from within. Thanatos's conspiracy, akin to a black tide, ruthlessly devoured lives and hope, pushing them towards an endless abyss.

Since that day, Aria seemed to have lost all sorrow and joy. She sat in a chair by the window, gazing outside. Even the pleading of the injured handmaid elicited no response from her.

In the distance, the sound of hooves echoed as warhorses passed through the city gates. Every day at sunrise, Thanatos would lead the cavalry back to the city.

Soon after, someone pushed open the door.

"How long has she been like this?" he asked the injured handmaid. She knelt before him in fear, crying uncontrollably, shaking her head.

" Since the day you burned my father, let her go. Don't torment her anymore," Aria weakly replied.

"I know what you're planning."

He angrily dismissed the handmaid, removing his black leather gloves. He strode forward, forcefully pulling the curtains closed. Dust floated in the air, causing Aria to cough. He turned back, his voice filled with fury. "Do you think that if you're dead, I'll let go of those followers?They don't know if you're a corpse or a living person in this room. As long as I keep silent, I can use your body to capture them."

Aria averted her gaze, unwilling to respond.

"I've announced our engagement. You should consider it an honor," he continued, still enraged.

"How amusing," Aria remarked sarcastically.

He paced around, growing more agitated by the uneaten food on the plate. Amid Aria's resistance and defiance, his anger gradually subsided. Thanatos approached the table, pulled out a dagger, and speared a ripe fruit.

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