Untitled Part 5: Thanatos

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The bushes shook violently, and more fluorescent green eyes flashed in the darkness, one pair after another, as they excitedly howled.

They had encountered a group of Night Ghouls.

A tearing roar echoed through the jungle, and the monsters revealed their gleaming fangs, leaping into action.

Aria cowered on the ground in terror, frantically groping in the mud with her hands. She had to find something to stop the Night Ghouls from further attacking. Echoes of Oliver's agonizing cries resounded in her ears, along with the hound's pained whimpers. In the dark woods, it felt like they were being pushed into the abyss of death.

Suddenly, a swift wind rushed through the sky, followed by a tearing wail. The Night Ghoul charging towards Aria crashed heavily into the mud, its shriveled head pierced by an arrow.

Aria looked up in surprise towards the sky but immediately prostrated herself on the ground. In the dim light flickering through the swaying branches, she saw a figure, an archer proficient in archery, holding a taut bowstring, aiming directly at the Night Ghoul.

The Night Ghoul let out a pained wail, struggling to get up, but it could no longer continue the fight. The force of the arrow pinned it to the mud, rendering it immobile.

Whistling arrows sliced through the sky like a storm. They flew at lightning speed, striking the Night Ghouls in the dead forest. The cries echoed incessantly, and soon, all that remained were charred corpses.

Oliver lay in the distance, his groans audible. The black hound lay nearby, breathing rapidly, its fur drenched in blood, on the brink of death. Aria stumbled over, stroking its furry head.

After a moment, the rapid breaths ceased. "No," Aria said sadly.

In the distance, there came the neighing of warhorses.

She wiped her eyes and looked towards the woods.

Behind the archer, more cavalry appeared. In the distance, on the dark ridge, was an army, such a massive army yet surprisingly silent, without even a torch lit or a flag hung. They were not the Iron Wardens of Sovereign Bastion; they were a suddenly appearing army.

The woods rustled, as if someone was approaching.

As the footsteps drew nearer, the skilled archer emerged from the woods. He passed through the bushes, stepping over the corpses of the Night Ghouls.

Until he stood before Aria, she finally saw the long scar on his face, the same one she had encountered in Shadowvale that day. He lowered his gaze, his eyes cold and sharp. The scar ran across his young face like a kiss of icy death. He said nothing, only stared at Aria, as if trying to read her mind.

Aria crawled out of the mud, rolled around in it, her disheveled hair sticking to her cheeks, looking utterly disheveled. She brushed aside the sticky hair, trembling as she stood up.

"Thank you for saving us."

The man stared at her, his indifferent eyes filled with mercilessness far more terrifying than the scars.

"Don't thank me so soon, because you don't even know who I am."

"Who are you?" Aria asked cautiously.

A cold smirk tugged at his expressionless face, as if mocking Aria's naivety. "I am Thanatos, the death reaper your king fears the most."

Aria stepped back nervously, sensing the dangerous aura emanating from Thanatos. She knew she had to stay calm, but the fear within her was uncontrollable.

"What do you want?" Her voice trembled, but she struggled to maintain composure.

Thanatos stared at her, as if contemplating his response. Finally, he spoke slowly, his voice cold and deep.

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