Untitled Part 9: Final Struggle

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They cautiously made their way toward the flickering flames through the dense woods. The cavalry circled around a solitary figure, torches billowing smoke, their laughter and jeers accompanying the thunder of iron hooves, ensnaring the hobbling man within. In the distance, a slender prosthetic leg could be seen, the figure clutching at their ears, emitting piercing screams.

Soon, the cavalry cleared a path. Thanatos emerged slowly from the shadows, ordering the soldiers to seize Xander and make him kneel. Despite Xander's struggles, his slender arms seemed powerless before the soldiers. They held him down, gripping his hair and pulling his face up.

Thanatos stepped forward, extreme annoyance evident beneath his long scars.

"Do you know where your sister is?" he asked.

Xander let out a scream, but a soldier kicked him down, silencing him abruptly.

"Well, since you won't speak," he gestured to the side, and a hooded figure emerged from the thicket. "I need information about the girl, quickly, let's see what he has in his mind."

The mysterious figure bowed to Thanatos and silently approached Xander.

As he placed his hand on Xander's forehead, Xander emitted a wail, as if tortured immensely. He cried, trembling all over, held by two cavalrymen.

Aria watched intently, her fists clenched tightly. She wanted to rush forward, stop them from torturing her brother. Hawk grabbed her arm, shaking his head. His gaze was equally filled with anger.

Aria sensed the anger beside Hawk; she heard his suppressed gasps as if they were right beside her.

After a while, the mysterious figure withdrew his hand. Xander stiffly slid to the ground, curling up and shaking as if a barely alive creature.

"Any information about the girl?" Thanatos asked impatiently.

"I didn't see the girl, but I heard about her," the mysterious figure answered softly. "He wasn't with the girl, but someone signaled him in sign language that the girl will be brought to him soon for a reunion."

"How soon?" Thanatos's tone was cold.

"Just now, a mute escaped," the mysterious figure replied quietly.

"A mute escaped," came Thanatos's voice from afar, tinged with interest. His gaze swept the surroundings, even piercing through the concealed thickets. Aria's heart tightened; despite the distance, she sensed Thanatos beginning to suspect their presence nearby.

"Give me the bow," Thanatos ordered. A soldier handed him a bow. He took it, strung an arrow, and deliberately spoke loudly, as if reminding of what was to come next. "Get this damn kid up."

They pulled up the curled Xander. Thanatos raised the bow, drew the string, and shouted loudly, "Stop hiding, come out, or I'll shoot him."

At the moment Thanatos drew his bow, preparing to shoot, Aria's heart felt as though it were gripped by an invisible hand. She sensed the distant gaze of suspicion, even though they were far away; she could feel Thanatos beginning to suspect they were nearby.

With a thud, Thanatos swiftly released an arrow.

Aria felt almost suffocated.

But the arrow landed in the soil not far from Xander; Thanatos deliberately missed. His icy gaze swept around, and he shouted again, "Come out, mute one, my patience is wearing thin."

The servant quickly signaled Hawk with gestures, trembling with excitement.

"Don't go out," Hawk almost whispered. Then, he swiftly pressed down the hand of the servant, ready to draw his sword. Hawk shook his head, not saying a word.

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