Untitled Part 14: The Covenant of Oblivion

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Tayvon lowered his head and replied, "Yes, I understand."

Lucius extended his hand, taking what Tayvon offered. Despite the possibility of finding it easier to guard outside, Tayvon cast a sympathetic glance toward Aria.

As Lucius touched the dagger, the ruby on it shimmered even brighter. Aria felt perplexed by the Thanatos dragon bone dagger in her possession. What had this dagger been through to end up in her hands as a weapon?

Suddenly, she lifted her head, realizing something she had overlooked.

"I remember living for 280 years. My memories aren't confused. I remember the dagger and the candle clearly; it's not an illusion..."

"Aria," Lucius interrupted her. "Regardless of your memories, you'll be executed, and all your troubles will vanish once you're gone."

Aria's heart sank. She felt overwhelmed by despair and helplessness. There was a time she believed she could escape it all, but now, the chains of fate seemed to have her firmly in their grasp. She sighed deeply. "How do you intend to deal with the dagger and the candle then?"

"We'll burn them along with your body," Lucius led the way forward. "Time is running out. Come, let's enter the Eternal Grove. It's both a punishment ground for sinners and the most sacred burial ground for demigods."

The entire grove was situated on a floating island, silent and still.

As they left Tayvon at the entrance, Lucius quickened his pace. Aria, weak and powerless, had to keep up, almost running all the way. Aria felt utterly hopeless, as if Lucius wished for her death to come even sooner.

The Eternal Grove was unusually quiet, devoid of any signs of life or even a whisper of wind. Each tree soared into the sky, standing tall and erect as if reaching for the edge of the heavens. Their trunks resembled pillars of silver, smooth and solid, while their branches, slender and delicate, spread out like strands of silver feathers, gently swaying as if singing in the soft breeze.

As one walked through the Eternal Grove, a subtle fragrance enveloped them, reminiscent of the floral scent found deep in the mountains, yet imbued with a unique sense of mystery. It wasn't a sweet aroma, but rather emitted a magical essence that compelled one to take a deep breath. Unlike any other scent, it seemed capable of ushering one into a comforting dreamland.

Aria soon realized why Tayvon particularly disliked this place, and even Lucius showed a hint of disdain. If this was supposed to be the holiest burial ground of the demigods, it felt more like a graveyard filled with death.

Thick, sturdy vines wrapped around the deceased demigods, piercing their pale skin with tender shoots that tightly entwined around their bodies. Instead of decay or desiccation, the bodies flowed with the sap of the Eternal Trees through their veins beneath the skin. Bodies melded seamlessly with branches and leaves, resembling human sculptures bathed in silver light, as if growing naturally from the trunks of the trees.

Aria felt a sense of déjà vu, recalling a dream from her unconsciousness. In the misty woods, a young girl lay enveloped by the colossal trees, tendrils of vines entwining around her, revealing a serene face in slumber. There was also a glowing figure, a man who had once reminded Aria to remember this scene forever, not to forget.

Hastily stepping in front of Lucius, Aria pleaded, "Lucius, please hear me out. I feel like I've been here before. I saw a young girl, just like those bodies on the Eternal Trees. Please, give me some more time. I'm not afraid of death or trying to escape. I just want to understand what's happening..."

"Everything is over, Aria," Lucius stopped and said seriously. "Your memories are flawed, your dreams might be illusions. I don't know what exactly happened to you, but one thing is certain... your memories are incorrect."

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