Love me again (F)

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Updated new chapter of Broken promises,


Enjoy reading.


"Don't forgive me jungkook, your forgiveness will give me a hope ,hope that their would be a day when we will be together and have a small family of our own , you , me and twins."..

"Even if you forgive me I won't be able to forgive my self. Nobody else can, but I can see the crimson liquid smeared on my hands. Whenever I saw in the mirror, a cruel monster stare back at me."

Jungkook 's tears were flowing continuously, taehyung was nothing but a shell of a person he once was.

" Everytime I touch the twins their is an unknown fear tugged my heart that I will hurt them, my touch will give them pain."

" You might forgive me but I can't forget my sins nor forgive them."

Jungkook held both of his hands in a tight grip . " Listen to me kim taehyung, I Jeon jungkook appa of Kim jaewon forgive you , now what you need to do is man up , accept the past and let it go. You need to forgive yourself, and promise that you won't repeat the same mistake again."

"How could you trust me .? When I don't trust myself." Taehyung asked voice shaky lips trembling.

" I don't, i don't trust you taehyung. You snatched all the reason for me to trust you." Jungkook saw taehyung head bowing down in shame.

" Taehyung mistakes doesn't define a man, you did mistakes, your actions were more than mistakes. However their were times in our marriage when I was truly happy, you cared for me, when I saw you slipping away, I hid myself in shell, never confronted you. I was so scared that I will loose you. And at last I did."

"We lost each other" taehyung wanted to say but stayed quiet.

"But I don't want you to loose yourself more.

I have seen Appa (mr. Kim) crying for you, he never said anything, always supported me, whenever we all were together his eyes will only search for you.

You have people who love you, it's time for you to love yourself."

Taehyung was staring at jungkook his words doing something to his heart.

" Taehyung you need to make me believe that if I give you , us an another chance you won't crush my trust again." Taehyung eyes snapped towards jungkook,

" i know you never asked for a second chance, your words didn't but your eyes , they yearn for a family, I have seen the loneliness and longing."

"taehyung i am not alone this time, i have two five year old kids with me, I maybe able to take another betrayal but they won't."

" Think about it taehyung, will you be able to heal and give my kids a dadda who will not break their fragile heart.

Who will provide them with the love and care a child deserves , the Constant assurance, a strong man they can look upto . If you think you can do that , fighting your demons and winning against them ,. Then me and kids are here waiting for you to come back to us ."

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