Merlin's redemption

Start from the beginning


Watch your tone of voices, may I remind you all that this your rightful Queen of Camelot you're talking to. And from now on hear her out on what she has to say am I clear? 

(The villagers stood silent for the moment then agreed to listen to Elaine. Both Lancelot and Elaine looked each others, and Elaine mouthed "Thank You" to Lancelot, he nods back to her) 


I know not everyone in the world is not perfect, believe me I know. When the sword chose me to become the next Queen of Camelot, I'm not perfect either, I have messed up thousands of times, and I'm sure everyone else here has too. 

(Merlin was thinking about Morgana and how he could've helped to save her from the dark arts. But he wasn't able to Merlin starts to feel guilty, Modred was thinking about Elaine worrying that he had to pretend to be her friend for his mother's evil plans, if she had find out, she would hate him for sure, Modred was feeling so much pain and guilt too) 


For Modred, I know that he is a good person, and he has helped saved me too. So before you jump into all of those conclusions of accusing others, my advice to all of you would be to never judge a book by it's cover, because you should get to know them first 

(The crowd decides to listen to Elaine and stops arguing) 

Elaine sighs: 

I think now would be a good time to do an interrogation with our friend...or foe 

(Merlin nodded, and so  Elaine, Merlin, Tristan, and Lancelot went to see the troll who was being held in the dungeons. Modred decides to back away and leave the area) 

(The troll notices Elaine and the others walking over, it ignores them)

Tristan: Alright talk troll, creature from the depth

(Troll huffs then turns away from them)

Elaine: You heard my friend, talk, and we'll let you go 

(The troll continues to ignore them, and not saying anything)


You do well to respect and answer the young squire, and Camelot's Queens questions, monster....

Troll: You're wrong for calling me the monster....

Elaine: What is Morgana planning?

Troll: So you're the Queen eh? 

(The troll leans in to look at Elaine, then huffs in her face)


Hahaha You're puny... I could easily tear you limb from limb.... You don't look like a queen, you look more like a weak little worm. 

Tristan: Elaine don't listen to him, he's just trying to get to you

Lancelot: The young squire is right. You shouldn't listen to the words of a troll.

Elaine: We said talk!  

(Elaine held Excalibur at the troll's face, the troll looks up at all of them) 


There's no point, it's too late to stop her. To stop the eternal flame.....

(Everyone was confused when the troll mentioned The Eternal flame. But Merlin's eyes widened as if he already knew what the troll was talking about)

Elaine: What is this Eternal Flame?

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