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So girl how I've missed youI think about the things we've been through So call my name and fill me upThis sunken place is worth the love Josh Makazo - Miss U

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So girl how I've missed you
I think about the things we've been through
So call my name and fill me up
This sunken place is worth the love
Josh Makazo - Miss U



I walked into Hajun's room, the horror replayed in my head over and over again.
Minho and I had to run from there before she or any one of her men could spot us.

Minho locked himself in his room but I couldn't stay in mine.

There he was, an eight-year-old boy in a school uniform doing his homework. I looked at myself in the mirror beside me and I was drenched in sweat, I was paler than usual. Every bit of color drained from my skin. My hands shook, and I clenched my jaw before my teeth could clatter.

Hajun didn't notice me entering his room.
I take a deep breath and put a hand on his shoulder. He turns around with a scream and groans when he sees it's me and takes off his earphones that were blasting music, "Are you here to bully me again?"

We fell apart, and I had to admit in that moment that I've been nothing but a piece of shit to him for the past two months.

'I know you can't accept him but you are his brother. Blood is blood. Protect Hajun from your mother.'

The curiosity in his eyes, the angst, the boyish look— Appa was right. Hajun does not belong in the mafia world, and with Appa dead, eomma could come after him.

How do I break it down to an eight-year-old that his father was beheaded? How do I tell him that he is an orphan in a dangerous territory?

Blood is blood.

"Earth to dumbass?" He says with exasperation, crossing his arms on his chest, "If you're here to annoy the fuck outta me, I swear to god I will stab you in the kidneys. Last time you tore my homework in your high state and I had to lie to my teachers which earned me punishments for a week. I was mopping the damn floor because of you." I take a step forward, ignoring the curses that should not come out of a young boys mouth, and he's quick to grab his notebook and a pencil, facing the sharp tip towards me, "I will call for Appa if you don't go by the time I count to five, hyung."

I bite my bottom lip. He truly has no one anymore. Eomma will kill him.

"One," he starts the countdown, holding the pencil tightly. "Two,"

"Jun-ah," I called him like our father used to.

"Shut up! Three."

"W-we n-need to talk."

"Get out. Four!"

"Kim Hajun—"


Muscle memory makes me move out of the way before he could come at me. He breathes heavily and turns around to find me behind him swiftly, "Appa!" He calls out at the top of his lungs. There is fear in his eyes because of me. "Appa!" He runs to the door and screams even louder, "Appa! Hyung is annoying me!"
I put a hand on my mouth before I wail or scream that Appa will not come.

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