bonus pt.2: summer ☀️

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The sun was out and the breeze was high as Andy hid under his umbrella, his nose stuck to a book as always. He didn't like summer, it was always too hot. He flicks through the pages, his eyes skimming on the lines as music blares through his earphones.

He sighs, giving up on pretending to read the book and looks down at his toes. He wiggles them around playing with the sand, he hated sand too.

He looks over the shore staring at the water, he watches the way the waves move, the way the waves hug the shore letting Nirvana play in his ears.

Suddenly, someone's wrist holding an ice cream cone appears out of the blue infront of him. He blinks and takes the ice cream out of the person's hand.

He pulls of his earphones and sighs, "did we really have to come to the beach?" Andy asks Raph.

"Yes, it's summer Andy," the blond boy replies.

"Yeah but, did we really have too? We could've just visited a museum or something..." He says taking a bite out of the vanilla ice cream.

"I'm not going to stare at some paintings," Raph shrugs.

Ever since they started dating, things have been going alright. This summer Andy was supposed to visit Raph's family but, apparently something came up. He was a bit bummed out, but his boyfriend was the opposite.

Raphael did not want to rent a car and drive miles to visit his parents, it's not like he didn't love his family or anything.

He just hates driving.

"All this, seem to good to be true you know?"

Andy nods, "not everyone can have an happy ever after, that's why we should be grateful."

Raphael smiles and kisses Andy's forehead, "you're getting your ice cream all over me!" Andy whines.

The blond boy ignores him and kisses Andy's lips, in an act of surprise Andy drops his ice cream and it falls flat on the sand.

"Hey, my ice cream!"

Raphael stares at it, "whoops..?"

The boy frowns as he mourns his ice cream, to fix his mistake Raphael hands over his ice cream to him. "Here, I don't like ice cream that much either way," he tells him.


Raphael smiles watching his boyfriend eat. "Do you want to swim?"

Andy shakes his head, "in fish urine and poop infested waters? No thank you."

"That's besides the point," Raph argues.

"No," Andy replies sternly.

Raph stands pulling Andy to get up as well, "it'll be fun, trust me when have I ever lied to you?"

Andy blankly looks at him as he says that.

"Don't answer that."

Reluctantly, Andy finally complies and follows Raphael to the waters. He stands at the shore watching the cold water touch his feet and withdrawal.

"Get in," Raphael encourages, he was already far ahead of Andy.

Andy groans, following his boyfriend in the water. "If a shark comes by, I'm using you as bait," he mutters at him.

Raphael chuckles moving closet to his boyfriend, he smiles admiring him asking himself how did he get so lucky.

"What?" Andy notices him stare. "Is there a seaweed on my face is something?"

Raphael doesn't answer, instead he kisses him. This catches Andy by surprise, infact he's still trying to get used to this whole boyfriend thing, and the fact that it's Raphael.

He closes his eyes syncing with him, letting his heart flutter as he pulls him closer letting the summer sun shine down on them, and damn he loved it.

Though, Andy still hates summer.


This was the other bonus content I posted just for you guys, I hope I didn't disappoint it felt good writing about them again though.

Anyway, hope you're doing ok. Drink water be cool and remember, if you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you <3

Also! Before I disappear and reappear im thinking of doing a little Q&A


You can ask me questions down here in the comments and I will reply to(every single one of )them on the next post (on this book specifically ‼️), it can be about anything: the book, upcoming projects, me, life- idk anything you'd like!

Without further ado, I should let you go :)

love always,
finn 💟

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