15: I'm sorry

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Andy entered the venue that Jake had sent him, the lights were crazy and the music was blaring every which way. He tried to scan for Jake who was clearly nowhere to be seen, he sighed and ended up on an empty couch where most people avoided.

"Didn't think you'd make it," someone shouted at him, he looked up and sighed disappointed and annoyed.

"Didn't think you'd talk to me," Cameron sat down beside him.

"Come one Andy, we went to high school together," Cameron handed him an suspicious drink.

Andy peered in the drink and didn't even bother tasting it, the smell was strong already. "Yeah and you beat me.up.morw than thrice I'm my lifetime."

Cameron scoffed, "sorry, but I found it a bit funny when I saw you pouncing around the campus."

"So two of my bullies are present, great could my life get any better?" He muttered.

"Ah yes, Raphael Torrance, I didn't think he would've came to your rescue, out of all people you know?" Cameron took a sip of his drink.

"What do you want? Why are you talking to me all friendly Cameron?" Andy fumed, he was surprised why he was having a conversation with one of the goons who bullied him.

Then again, it shouldn't surprise him much when he has a crush on one of the goons.

"Don't tell him," Cameron said, "don't tell Jake anything Andrew."

Andy rose his brow, he hasn't heard his full name in a while. "And why not? It's not like he's your boyfriend or anything...unless you like him."

"I'm not a fag Andrew," Cameron snapped at him.

"Okay then, why shouldn't I tell him that you're homophobic and you are a piece of shit?" He muttered.

Cameron sighed, "complicated."

"I have the time, and effort to listen," Andy leaned back on the couch as he watched people grind in each other.

"I'm not saying anything to anyone, let alone you," Cameron spat, he stood shoves his hands in his pocket and left.

"Okay then, enjoy the joy of denial," Andy watched him leave.

He sighed and slumped on the couch, he looked at the red cup and back at the crowd, he saw a familiar face in the crowd that stirred him inside.

Raphael, and he wasn't alone.

A taller boy held his hand as they both glided to the crowd, they occasionally whispered at each other as they made their way to the liquor section.

He must be Joe.

Andy sighed and chuckled to himself, and here he thought he was going to rewrite the stars.

He stared back at his cup and shrugged, "one drink isn't going to hurt."

Andy chugged down the drink as his felt his stomach turn and flip, his stomach wasn't enjoying this but neither was he.

When the glass was empty he felt dizzy, he chuckled and sighed looking at the ceiling. "Here I thought he said he wanted me," he muttered to himself.

It was obvious that these two like each other, but pursing their interest was hard. The past they shared and the people they meet always stop them from doing so, it was stupid to keep trying.

Andy sighed as he stood, he felt wobbly and like the world was spinning in circles.

He lifted his foot only to catch himself from falling, Andy was already drunk just from one drink. He made barely made his way out the house, once he got outside he sat under a tree.

They were people around and it wasn't as loud and as bright as the house, he sighed burying his face in his hand.

"What's the fuck is going on?" Andy muttered.

His phone rang causing him to jolt, he quickly grabbed it and pressed on the green button.

"Hello?" He slurred.

"Andy? You okay? You don't sound so good right now," it was his sister Amber.

He cleared his throat, "what's makes you say that?"

"You sound confused and dumb," she deadpanned.

"Right, I think I am dumb you know," he muttered with a smile in his face.

"I didn't mean it like-"

But Andy wasn't listening, he just went on, "I was dumb to think that Raphael actually liked me, I was dumb to think that he changed, it was stupid of me to think any of that."

Amber stayed silent.

"I don't know what's going on Amber, one minute he's kind and sweet and helpful and the next, he comes here with him."

Andy was now crying, tears streaming down his cheeks like an overflowing river.

"Andrew...I'm sorry okay?" Amber whispered, Andy didn't know why she was even apologizing, it wasn't her fault.

She warned him and now he just fell into it.

"It's fine, I have to go...I'm sorry.." Andy muttered and quickly ended the call.

He leaned his head in the tree bark and sighed, there were no stars tonight.

He stood and called an Uber back to his university.


Can i just say I forgot the plot? Yeah I think that's it. We haven't seen Raphael sleepwalk for ages, I've never tried sleeping pills when I was sleepwalking, I don't think it's effective.

I will probably have to do research, I wanted to end this book around page 20, but I realized that this book has plot holes.

For example:
Their past lives in highschool.

I hate doing like flashbacks in the middle of the books because it's, annoying, but I want to start to consider it. Because it feels like this book is all over the place :((

I guess the main question is: What happened between them to reach to this point?

The book makes sense in my head but not to you guys so I will work on the next chapter on what went down back then.

Btw I'm working on a new book, I'm in chapter 5 and I really wanna publish it but I can't until I'm done with this.

After that long author's note I'm going to let you go now, thanks for reading this author's note and stay amazing.


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