Part 61

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(A/N:- About bg pic just imagine it's Heitan, Kang, Hughu in pics, But these people are not in pic's 🙃. Becoz I can't find the pics of them together)

In party 🎉
*Zhibin, Heitan, Kang, Baochuan,  Hughu and Mengdi.

Kang:-Let's have some drinks 🍷

*Both go towards counter, take a wine, drink it 🍷

Mengdi:-Let's have some dance Zhibin 😚

Zhibin:-Uhm... I think I can't dance 🙂

Mengdi:-Why let's go 😙

Zhibin:-Mengdi I don't have mood to dance.

Mengdi:-Oh come on (phone ringing) my phone, excuse me (leave from distance)

Heitan:-Are you sure you don't want to dance ?

Zhibin:-Yes I want to sit here and watch.

*Both are head towards the dance floor expect Zhibin.
*Zhibin sit in counter, while drinking a wine 🍷. Sudden think about Y/N and him of eye contact, tight hugs and photoshoot.

Zhibin:-(in mind: Whenever I see Y/N. Why does something seem good ? Why do I remain so weak in her eyes. I see her pain in so much, so why does my heart ach so much ? Why do I feel something good happening when Y/N touch me ? What the hell is happening to me ?)

*Zhibin looked around see Kang Baochuan Heitan and Hughu they are dancing in dance floor. But can't see Mengdi here.

Zhibin:-(in mind: I think everyone is busy there. I hope Y/N is ok, let me msg Y/N )

~~~Y/N side~~~
*I lay my head in bed. Frida & Renee watching series. Sudden my phone ringtone pop up. I see a notification. My eyes widened, I got up from bed.
Open the chat

In chat
Zhibin:-Hi Y/N, How's your headache now ?

Y/N:-Hi Zhibin, I'm fine, just laying in bed.
Zhibin:-I'm little worried about you so that I msg you

Y/N:-Its ok , are you enjoying at party ?

Zhibin:-No... it's so boring here

Y/N:-Why ?

Zhibin:-I don't feel good to come at party

Y/N:-Oh so what are you doing there ?

Zhibin:-I'm just drinking a wine in counter.

Y/N:-But be carefully while drinking a wine

Zhibin:-Why am I careful ?

Y/N:-I've heard a lot about wine, it's say it's alcoholic

Zhibin:-I know that, I'm drinking little bit.

Y/N:-Right then, What is everyone else doing ?

Zhibin:-They are dancing in dance floor.

Y/N:-So you didn't go dancing

Zhibin:-No I'm not in mood of dancing

Y/N:-But wait why are you talking to me ? What about Mengdi ? You should have been with Mengdi

Zhibin:-I know but I can't see Mengdi somewhere, that's why I'm thinking to talk to you

Y/N:-Oh is that so  

Zhibin:-I hope you're ok while I msg you

Y/N:-Yeah I'm
Zhibin:-Bye let's meet tomorrow


chat ended

*Frida and Renee look at my side

Frida:-Who you texting msg ?

Y/N:-Zhibin texting me

Frida:-Why he messaging you ?

Y/N:-He worried about me and he is not enjoying a party

Frida:-Seems something is bothering with Zhibin.

Renee:-Zhibin hasn't been feeling happy ever since Mengdi arrive

*Talk about chat between me & Zhibin to them.

(A/N:-Why Zhibin thinking about Y/N ? Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

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