Part 36

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In company
*Me,Frida and Renee sitted in office chair, put our bags in desk.

Frida:-(looking at window) Wow this view is so beautiful 😍
*Me and Renee come near window

Renee:-Yes this kind of view, we can't see in India 😯


*Hear a footsteps 👣

??:-Mrs. Y/N, Frida and Renee
*Hearing our name look at back, it's Assist.Tan


Assist.tan:-Mr.Xu is calling you both to his cabin

Y/N:-Yes we are coming

*Me, Frida & Renee go near Mr.Xu cabin, knock the door

Y/N:-Can we come in ?

Mr.Xu:-Yes come in
*Me,F,R come inside

Mr.Xu:-Please be sit
*We sitted

Mr.Xu:-I want to tell you girls a task. What to do today. I know you both have first day in this company. I will give you a simple task for today.

Y,F,R:-Yes sir

(A/N:-TBH Idk about what happens in the job of Fashion and models company. I'm writing like this, it's just used in fiction, it may never be real.)

Mr.Xu:-Search for the beauty products like Face cream, Face mask, Body lotion. Discuss this product in group, then decide which beauty product. After deciding you both get the chance of photoshoot about your beauty product at studio. Both understand ?

Y,F,R:-Yes sir

Mr.Xu:-Any doubt regarding the beauty product ?

Frida:-Sir we have to do separate beauty product ?

Mr.Xu:-Yes but in different way.

Renee:-When we should submit the task ?

Mr.Xu:-Submit tomorrow

Y/N:-Why tomorrow ?

Mr.Xu:-Because it's your first day, you both need to take time to think.


Mr.Xu:-Anything else ?

Y,F,R:-No sir

Mr.Xu:-Get going start your task

Y,F,R:-Yes sir

*Me,F,R get up to the sit, left the cabin, com back to our desk.

Frida:-What kind of beauty product should we do ?

Renee:-Which beauty product should we do ?

Y/N:-It's Face cream, Face mask and Body lotion

Frida:-Let me take face cream 😗

Renee:-I also want face cream 😌

Frida:-Why can't you take face mask 😒

Renee:-Nah... I can't it's very difficult to apply the on face 😫

Frida:-Why yrr 😓

Y/N:-Wait, let's make a cheat and I write the beauty product, then whoever will get product name they will do this product 😏

Renee:-Nice idea deal 👍🏻

Frida:-Deal 👍🏻

*I make a cheats, write a name of beauty product. 1 cheat wrote face cream. 2 cheat wrote face mask. 3 cheat wrote body lotion. Fold the cheats.

*Meanwhile Zhibin saw everything, in transparent glasses with half panel open.

Zhibin:-(in mind: what they are discussing about ?)

Y/N:-Ok I make a cheats

Frida:-Yes do it fast.

*I holding a cheat in hand. Shake it with both hand cheat let go by my hand. Frida and Renee take the cheat fast. I take the last cheat.

(A/N:- Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

Bts army fall in love with Chinese modelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora