Part 28

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*Done our interview

Mr.Xu:-Ok girls, you both have best qualifications skills. You 3 have been hired to this company.

Y,F,R:-Thank you Sir 😊

Mr.Xu:-So tomorrow, you both come at 10 am onwards, 10am - 5pm. Today you both look around the company with 4 senior here and get going.

*My eyes gaze the name written in small banner "Mr.Xu Zang head Company".(In mind:-his surname is Xu so Zhibin surname is also Xu)

Y/N:-Yes sir

(A/N:-Idk Zhibin father name 😕. I wrote it like this.)

*Mr.Xu call assist.Tan, come inside the cabin.

Mr.Xu:-Call Hughu,Kang, Baochuan and Zhibin here

Assist.Tan:-Yes sir

*Me,F,R eyes widened and shocked 😨 to hear the names of guys look at eachother.

Y/N:-(in mind:- So it means Zhibin is also working here.)

*Door slight open

Hughu:-Shall we come in sir ?

Mr Xu:-Yes come in

*Hughu,Kang, Baochuan & Zhibin come inside the cabin. We 3 Surprise to see them.

Y/N:-(look at Zhibin, So my doubt is clear, he work here) 😯
*Zhibin looked at me with a small smile in his face.

*Frida look at Baochuan with shocking face 😳

*Renee get surprise to see them 😮

Mr.Xu:-Hughu you did very good job with this girls. You did a great work 😄

Hughu:-Thank you sir ☺️

Mr.Xu:-(to K,B,Z) You 3 guys, I will give 1 girls to you to look around the company. 1 by 1 leave cabin.

Kang:-Why 1 by 1. Why not together ?🤔

Mr.Xu:-Because no one talks loudly and disturb the other workers 😒

Kang:-Ok sorry I see 😓

Mr.Xu:-Ok let me give 1 girl to you. Start with Kang, take Renee with you (Hughu interupt)

Hughu:-Sir can I take Renee too 👉🏻👈🏻

Mr.Xu:-Yes you can

Hughu:-Ok sir

*Renee,Kang & Hughu go near door, left the cabin.

Mr.Xu:-Baochuan, take Frida with you.

*Frida shocked and look at me. I tap her shoulder to her, go with Baochuan, go near door, left the cabin.

*Me & Zhibin left. Zhibin just look at me.

Mr.Xu:-Only you two remaining. Zhibin take Y/N with you.

Zhibin:-Yes da... I mean sir (to me) let's go


*Me & Zhibin go near door.

Zhibin:-(opened door for me)After you.

*Me come out the cabin, Zhibin also came back.Left the cabin.

~~~Y/N & Zhibin~~~
*While walking around the office. Zhibin showed everything about the company like Cabins, studio, photoshoot, auditorium, meeting room, canteen etc.

Zhibin:-So Y/N, Are you still shy and introvert ?🤔

Y/N:-I used to have in school, but after I met Frida I got courage to talk.🙂

Zhibin:-Since when you and Frida become friend ?

Y/N:-In collage campus

Zhibin:-And Renee ?

Y/N:-In diploma course of fashion and modeling. We met in classes.

Zhibin:-Oh I see

Y/N:-May I tell something ques to you ?

Zhibin:-Tell anything if your comfortable ☺️

Y/N:-Your not pilot ?

Zhibin:-No I'm a model 😌

Y/N:-So Kang, Baochuan and other guys also not a Pilot ?

Zhibin:-No we both are model.


Zhibin:-Anything ?

Y/N:-Yeah... That Mr.Xu surname and your surname is same.

Zhibin:-Yes. He is my Dad, he is the head of this company

*I shock to listen it 😲

Y/N:-So my doubt is clear. I'm curious to know this. Because of surname and you going to call Mr.Xu dad instead of sir.


*After a talking awhile, a peon come with bundle of files in his hand. Without looking in front, a peon crash into me.

(A/N:-Will Y/N fall down ? Stay Tuned. Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

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