Part 73

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In evening
*Listening my school crush, Zhibin eyes widened and stunned 😲
(A/N:-Remember Y/N's ex crush in part 14,15)

Zhibin:-The guy named Clerk, he used to be your school friend before, you had such a big crush on him 🫡

Y/N:-(sad) Yeah... He just used me for studies and taking notes from me. In school farewell before I could speak about my feelings to clerk he proposed to girl 😔

Zhibin:-(upset) I felt very bad to hear this ☹️. Do you like Clerk now ?

Y/N:-No not anymore. Now he is gone from my heart forever 😓

Zhibin:-Sorry you must be heartbroken before 😔

Y/N:-Earlier it was but now it doesn't matter, now I have moved 🙂

Zhibin:-Good to hear. What did you do after heartbreak ?

Y/N:-After a heartbreak some miracle come to my life 😌

Zhibin:-Miracle ? Who ?

Y/N:-Its BTS the Bangtan boys come to my life 🥰. I learned about Bts biography and all 7 members life story. 🥰

Zhibin:-Looks like you know lot about BTS, then what did you learn from Bts ?

Y/N:-BTS teach us, "Before you love someone else you have to love yourself first." 😇

Zhibin:-Very well said 😚

Y/N:-This is why I started love myself, it forgot my pains, grief and sadness all this went away from my heart. My broken heart mended ❤️‍🩹

Zhibin:-Why didn't I know such a good things before 🥹

Y/N:-You know I started liking a one Bts member names Park Jimin 😍

Zhibin:-What did you see in Jimin ?

Y/N:-He is the 1st guy I caught my eyes 😌

*I talked about Jimin. I 've said so much about Jimin. Zhibin glance at me with smile on his face. Zhibin take a look of my eyes and pinkish lips. While listening Zhibin lost in thought.

Y/N:-So with this Jimin come to my life 😍. (Look at him already glance) Zhibin... Hello (snap finger 🤌🏻) Where were you lost ? 🙂

Zhibin:-(blink eye come back to sense) Ahh... Nothing. Nice to hear about BTS. I was thinking of joining Bts army 😄

Y/N:-(excited) Do you really want to become Bts army ? 😃

Zhibin:-Yes I want 😊

*Kang and Hughu approach towards us.

Kang:-Looks like you two are talking about something serious.

Hughu:-Did we distrub you ?

Y/N:-No it's not

Zhibin:-Y/N giving me advice about after the heart break what I should follow.


Zhibin:-I decided to move on, first I should love myself

*I look at him and smile 😊

Kang:-I'm proud you moving on 😄

Hughu:-Learning to love yourself well said 😌

Zhibin:-This is what Y/N said, isn't it ?

Y/N:-Yeah ☺️

*Kang notice Baochuan put his hand on Frida shoulder, they come towards us.

Kang:-Oh no What's happened to them ?

*We both look at Frida wore Baochuan jacket

Y/N:-What happened to you ? You look so sad something bad happen to you ?😕

Frida:-Y-Yeah 😔

Y/N:-Baochuan ? What did you do with her ? 😒

Baochuan:-It's not what you think Y/N . I help Frida to cover her torn clothes 😟

*All get shock 😲

Y/N:-What ? You ok Frida ? 😧

Frida:-Yes I'm ok, Baochuan help me to give his jacket 🙂

Hughu:-But how did all this happen ?

Frida:-The nail got stuck in my clothes and got torn from behind 😣

Hughu:-Ohh 😮

Y/N:-It happened to bad 😕

Baochuan:-Take my jacket with you give it easy same other time.

Frida:-Thank you for understanding the situation 😌

Baochuan:-I'm glad it was helpful ☺️

Kang:-Alright all are here then

Y/N:-But wait there is someone missing.

Kang:-Who ?

Y/N:-Its Heitan and Renee

Kang:-Oh yes this two is missing

Zhibin:-Where this two now ?

*We both look around and find Heitan and Renee
(A/N:-I hope Zhibin will become a fanboy of BTS 💜. Thank you for reading this part. Stay Tuned for next part 🙌🏻.)

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