Part 42

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In company
*We take our handbags, say bye to Zhibin and others, head towards elevator come towards reception take our Id card, leave the company, it's evening time, while walking

Frida:-Today was a good day at work 😄

Renee:-First was so nice 😌

Y/N:-This task is so easy one ☺️

Renee:-Yes, you know what wrong with this guys ? 😒

Y/N:-What you saying ? 🤔

Renee:-When I like this one and Heitan don't like it. Idk what happening to me while I listen to Heitan ? 😒

Frida:-Sometimes I also lost in Baochuan advice 😙

*Me and Renee eyes widened look at Frida

Frida:-Ahh I mean he try to help me to find the product 🙂

Renee:-What's with you Y/N ? Is Zhibin try to flirt with you so you don't look so mad at him ?

Y/N:-Firstly I literally don't understand what's wrong with Zhibin ? His flirts reminds me Jimin. He flirt almost same like Park Jimin.

Frida, Renee surprise to listen

Renee:-Woah lucky one

*After some walk we reach at P.G building. Take a key from recipient Zang, go towards our rooms. Change the clothes into pyjama. My phone ringing see caller ID name Mom, I picked up

In call talk

Y/N:-Hello Mom

Y/M:-Helloo Y/N. How's you ? How was your first day of job ?

Y/N:-I'm good Mom. My job it was very good

Y/M:-What did you do there ?

Y/N:-First we do (Talk about the task & rehearsal of photoshoot expect Zhibin flirting one 🫢, if I told about Zhibin flirt I am gone 🤫)

Y/M:-So you make a friend there ?

Y/N:-Yes Mom I make

Y/M:-So any male friends ?

Y/N:-Yes Mom

Y/M:-Be careful with this guy friends. Don't get too attract.

Y/N:-Mom what you saying. I'm only here for professional work not for this guys.

Y/M:-Alright, your Dad and Jolane want to talk to you

Y/D:-Hello Y/N

Jolane:-Hii Y/N What's up ? Are you enjoying there ?

Y/N:-Hi Dad and Jolane, yes I enjoyed here.

Jolane:-Mom told everything about your welcome party

Y/N:-Yeah I enjoyed it.

*Half hour talking with Mom Dad and Jolane, I miss my home alot, how much I miss Mom's food and everything related.

Call ended

*Frida and Renee also talk in phone with parents about our company.
~~~Zhibin side~~~
*After half hour he left the company with Heitan,Kang,Baochuan. Hughu go to her home. Both boys head towards gym.

At gym
*Zhibin doing cycling, Heitan doing dumb bell up & down, Kang and Baochuan doing other accessories.

Zhibin:-(doing cycling) (in mind: sudden think of Y/N and My moment in company, 😌 idk why I'm thinking about Y/N ?)

*Heitan think about Renee while doing dumb bell up down. Baochuan also think the moment between Him & Frida.

*Zhibin, Heitan and Baochuan are lost in thoughts of their girls. Kang be like "What happened to this guys ?"

*After 1 hour of gym workout both go to their home and Mansion.

In Mansion
Both Xu family gather in dinning room. Maid serving a food.

Z/D:-So Heitan how was your 1st day at our company ?

Heitan:-It was nice dad😊

*Zhibin again think about Y/N. Z/M notice Zhibin

Z/M:-What's wrong with you Zhibin ? Why you not eating ?

Zhibin:-(come to sense) Nothing Mom... I'm eating 😌

Z/M:-You seem to be changing🙂

Zhibin:-(eating) What you saying Mom ?

Z/D:-Yes of course he changing because he help a girl name Y/N right.

Z/M:-So it's like that

Zhibin:-(eyes widened look at Dad) Yes Dad but I'm trying to help her 😟

*After some min of talk. Done dinner, go to his room & sleep. Meanwhile Y/N also ate the dinner with Frida and Renee, they go their room & sleep

Next Morning.

(A/N:- Stay Tuned between Zhibin and Y/N romance part. Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

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