Part 51

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~~~Zhibin side~~~
*Zhibin talk about what he & Y/N do after they both left his cabin.

Hughu:-You did very good job for Y/N 😅

Kang:-She rested her head on top of you, it seemed as if something was happening between you two 😌

Zhibin:-(looking away) What you saying Kang ?

Baochuan:-It's okay Zhibin, whatever happens between you and Y/N we won't mad at you 🙂

Hughu:-You're starting to see something different after looking at Y/N 😌

Heitan:-Till date you have never helped any girls like this 😕

Zhibin:-Idk why when I look at Y/N ,I feel something starts to happen in my heart. She feels the pain, so why was I feeling so much pain 🥺

*Both looked so surprise after listening this 😧

Baochuan:-Its okay Zhibin give your decision after thinking carefully

Kang:-Whatever in your heart say it.

Hughu:-Listen to your heart not your mind.

Heitan:-(Yawn) I'm so tired, let's get going 🥱

Baochuan:-Ok bye Zhibin and Heitan👋🏻

Kang, Hughu:-Byee👋🏻

Zhibin, Heitan:-Bye guys 👋🏻

*With Kang, Baochuan, Hughu go to their home. Zhibin and Heitan go to the mansion.
~~~Y/N side~~~
*Got freshen up, change into pyjama, sitted in bed, head resting in support, sudden think about Zhibin & my moment. Frida and Renee looked at eachother.

Renee:-What are you thinking about ?

Frida:-Why your cheek is red ? Are you blushing ?🤔

Y/N:-(touch my face) Nothing like that 😌

Renee:-Why do you look so change in face, is it about Zhibin ?

Y/N:-Uhm.... yeah 👉🏻👈🏻

Frida:-What is it ?

Y/N:-I and Zhibin become friends

*Frida & Renee looks so surprise after listening 😲

Renee:-Ohh.... Guy friends huh 😗

Frida:-It just a friend or something else ?

Y/N:-He is just a workers friend yrr. Leave all that aside... First tell me want happened to me when I was unconsciouse ?

Frida:-You don't remember, what happened with you ? 😬

Y/N:-No yrr, I totally got black out. Idk how I went to Zhibin cabin ? 🤥

Renee:-Ok firstly (tell everything about what happened with me)

(A/N:- Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

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