Part 24

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Y/N:-Ahhh 🫨 (hear my voice)

       *A guy look at back, he hold my both arm, pulled me closer to him, my hand touched his chest. Eye contact. Me and him lost in eye contact, due to the wind 💨, the trees 🌳 started blooming with flowers 🌸.

(Feel the eye contact bgm 👇🏻)

*Frida,Renee and Hughu looked so surprise 😦. Meanwhile Baochuan and Kang simply laughing at this sweet moment 🤭


*Me and him break the eye contact, hearing coughing sound, we got separate.

Y/N:-(ignore his eyes gaze) Abb... Thanks 😥

Zhibin:-(look at me) Your welcome ☺️

*Me go near Frida and Renee slowly

Hughu:-Wohh... I can't believe Zhibin, you caught her easily before she slip this oily walk 😲

Kang:-Baochuan, why you cough so early. I can't stop seeing this sweet moment 😉

Zhibin:-(touch his wrist) Come here Kang I want to show you something 😑

Kang:-No thanks, I'm okay here, I'm kidding 🫢

Baochuan:-Ok guys stop it, let's introduce this girls 😅

Hughu:-(finger towards Renee) she is Renee

Z,B,K:-Helloo 😄👋🏻

Renee:-(smile nervously) Hello 😊

Hughu:-(finger towards Frida) She is Frida

Z,K:-Hello 😊👋🏻

Frida:-Hello 🙂👋🏻

Baochuan:-(look at Frida) So you are the girl who smiled at me yesterday ?

Frida:-Uhm... Yeah, not only you but other guys also, but it was an accidentally smiled 😬

Baochuan:-Oh... It's ok

Hughu:-(finger towards me) So this is Y/N

K,B:-Hello Y/N 😄👋🏻

Y/N:-(look at K,B) Hello 👋🏻

Zhibin:-(look at me with eyes gaze) Y/N that's so sweet name 🥰

Y/N:-Uhm... Thanks 😌(half look at him & ignored)

Zhibin:-Wait... Are you the girl, I caught your eye contact yesterday ? 🤔

Y/N:-(look in downward) Uhm... Maybe 😶

Zhibin:-Why don't you look at me and say 😐

Y/N:-That's me 😶 (hughu interupt)

Hughu:-I will explain, Y/N is little bit shy and introvert one 🙂

*Kang and Baochuan look at me shockingly 😨

Zhibin:-(shocked in low voice) What ? 😧

Hughu:-She is so embarassed about what happened yesterday at airport, and little bit nervous about you 😬

Renee:-Yes, Y/N being so embarassed about what happened yesterday, she tensed about you like "What you going to think about & and all" like that 😟

Frida:-And Y/N being so scared to face you 😕

Zhibin:-(In calm) So this is why you don't look at me and you tensed about my reaction 😓

Y/N:-(ignore his eyes gaze) Yes 🫣

Kang:-In today morning Zhibin lost in thoughts of eye contact, his cheek filled with red 😗

*Me, Frida & Renee little shocked, look at Kang 😧

Zhibin:-(to Kang) Why you telling this to them ?

Kang:-But (Baochuan interupt)

Baochuan:-Ok guys, don't waste your energy, let's introduce ourselves

*Z,K stop

Kang:-Myself Xu Kang, call me Kang 😉

Y,F,R:-Hello Kang 👋🏻

Baochuan:-My name is Liu Baochuan, call me Baochuan 😊

Y/N, Renee:-Hi Baochuan 👋🏻

Frida:-(Blushes) Hi Baochuan 🥰

*Baochuan look at Frida blushed, he lost in her. Me & Renee looked at Frida

Renee:-(tap on shoulder) Yaa Frida
*Frida come back to sense

Zhibin:-So I'm Xu Zhibin

F,R:-Hello Zhibin 👋🏻

*Zhibin raise his right arm towards me for shaking his hand 🤝🏻

Zhibin:-Nice to meet you Y/N 😌

*Slowly I raised my hand towards his hand touched, shake the hand with nervous 🤝🏻. Zhibin looking at me with did not leave my hand.

Zhibin:-Why you being nervous ? Is it all about embarassing of eye contact ?

Y/N:-(nodded ignore his gaze) Yes

Zhibin:-Look at me Y/N
*I look at Zhibin slowly

Zhibin:-Don't feel embarassed, don't worry about eye contact, I don't mind about you, don't be scared, I don't think anything bad about you. I'm the one who curious to see you. It's all my fault.

Y/N:-So your not mad at me ? 🥲

Zhibin:-No not at all 😊

Y/N:-That's relief 😊 (smile) Thank you for understanding the situation 😇

Zhibin:-Do you feel bad about my eye contact

Y/N:-No 🙂

*Me & Zhibin smiled 😊, while we break the shake hand.

Hughu:- If you both done talking then move on

Baochuan:-Ok girls we want to know more about you.

Frida:-Yes but we want to hangout the places but can't.

Renee:-But where ? It's so sunny here 🫡

Kang:-Wait let's go to my farm house, we will talk there

Hughu:-That's good idea 👍🏻

Zhibin:-Let me call Heitan to come to farm house

Kang:-Yes call him

(A/N:- I'm totally blushing now for the eye contact moment 😳. Thank you for reading this part. If any mistakes or spell words let me know.)

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