"I-I said no and stop as much as I-I could, but h-he shoved a cloth in m-my mouth or my head w-was forced into a-a pillow." He writes it down.

"Did you ever try and psychically stop it?"

"I did, but I was frozen in the beginning. A-after he pushed me down, I-I tried, I really did."

"We know, kid, we know." He assures.

"Did they ever give you false compliments such as, you take this so well, you look so cute like this, etcetera?" I sniffle.

"K-kind of. He commented on me, but I can't tell if i-it was an insult or a compliment." I mumble.

"Well, what was it?" My mind replays the clip. I gulp.

"He said that if he didn't want this to happen that I shouldn't have worn such provocative clothes. He asked if I missed him." I hear scribbles.

"Little listener, it isn't the clothes fault. I promise." He breaks his silence. His words assure a small part of my messy mind. Everything is everywhere and it's all wrong and bad and messy and faulty and bad. It's all fucking bad. Everything always is.

"What.. what were you wearing?" Ah, a question for the ages.

"A black T-shirt, an oversized grey hoodie, navy blue pants, red shoes, and a dog tag necklace." I ramble. I rock back and forth as my mind recovers the tale of today.

"Did he use physical force?" I nod.

"Did he hurt you in any way?" I nod.

"How long did the attacks last?"

"Thirty five minutes." He waits a bit before asking the question. I figured it'd be bad.

"Did he use protection?" I shake my head. Tears sting my eyes. I hug my arms to my body.

"I really hate these questions." He says. I chuckle. It really hurts to hear all of these questions in the voice of someone I care about.

"Did you get any sexual enjoyment from it?" I shake my head vigorously.

"Did you initiate the attack?" I shake my head.

"Did you act provocatively?" I shake my head once more.

"Do you know that attacker's name?"

"Gordon namara." I respond. He gets up after writing it down. Mic smiles at me. I look down at the floor. Aizawa taps me on the shoulder and tells me that me and them can go back there, none at all, or just one.

"Whoever or whatever you want, kiddo."

"I-is it okay if Y-yamada and y-you go b-back there with me?" He nods. I stand up with Hizashi and we walk back there. A lady in a suit stands to greet us.

"Hi! My name is Clara Clint. We'll be asking some more detailed questions, do the best you can, this will be recorded, and you can walk out whenever you want!" She has an American southern accent. She smells like apple pie. Her hair is in dreads and she's a bit more muscular. She has kind eyes. I smile and sit down next to Hizashi and Aizawa. She presses play on the recorder and picks up the clip board.

"When did this take place?"

"Earlier today." I answer. There's a formality to this setting that makes me a tad queasy and a bit uneasy.

"Were there any witnesses?"

"No, but there are cameras. I was in room 327."

"Would you mind giving us a detailed description of what happened? As detailed as you can." My mind replays everything.

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