Chapter 3

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A/N still pretty much the same TW
Sexual assault
Abuse (mental, physical, sexual)
Parents having violent fights
Maybe self harm and suicide but idk rn.
Again this story is written in P.O.V

-bakugos pov-
What in the ever living fuck did the old man mean by 'leave him alone for a few days.' I haven't done anything in years, I mean sure some mild teasing , but it never went super far it was light hearted and surface level stuff

However I definitely didn't have time to ponder
For too long because I was cut off by someone screaming the word no over and over again at first I thought it was a film or something but that
Thought barely had time to make
It's presence even fucking known because I knew where the screaming was
Coming from.

Dekus room. I jogged towards the room to see
A boy curled up, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down his face, still shouting the word 'No.'

I walked up to him and gently sat down on his bed trying to assess the situation.

"Can you tell me what's wrong deku?"
What comes out is what I think an attempt at words it ends up being a jumbled mess of sounds.

This whole thing is actually kind of scary. I don't know what is happening and was given no fucking context.

"Nerd, tell me what's fucking wrong please!"
I grabbed onto his shoulder and shook him a little bit. Nothing I was doing was fucking working and it was getting on my god damn nerves.

Then I remember what my middle school psychology teacher said about panic attacks and I rush up to get an ice pack, I open the fridge grab the ice pack and run back so fast I almost trip and fall. When I got back he seemed a little worse. I grab the ice pack and place it on the back of his neck. "It's okay deku." I give him a side hug and ruffle his hair with one hand. "Take a deep breath in." he tried a few times but he still couldn't take a deep breath

"Hey, it's okay , how many fingers am I holding up?"
"F-five" his eyes that were filled with fear subsided as he looked at my hand. "How about now?" I change the amount of fingers I hold "t-two" his breathing seems more stable.

"Can you try to take a deep breath?" I emphasize my breathing as to guide him, he tried, I know he did. But he was still struggling to get enough air in.

"Okay, in, two, three, out, two, three." He let out a shuddered breath

"Can you do that again? In, two, three, out, two, three." he breathes in and out.

"Good, try again." He breathed in and out. He was still shaking but not as much, his sobs subsided into mere cries, and his breathing was a lot better too.

"Can you tell me what happened?" When I said that his entire body tensed up and his eyes filled with fear that had long subsided,he pulled his legs to his chest and burrowed his head into his legs.

"You don't have to but I do want to know." He pulled his head out and sniffled. "You'd probably think I'm disgusting." I was genuinely stunned, but I knew I wouldn't think he was gross or anything because of whatever happened.

"I will not think that, I promise."
"It's a long story-" I cut him off. "well we have today and the entire weekend so I would say we got time."
"It's really late, I'll tell you tomorrow kacchan."

"Fine but you are telling me tomorrow since you said that." I change from a side hug to full on bear hug. We stay like that for a few minutes in complete silence. After about five minutes I get up and ruffle his hair, then leave

"get some sleep please deku."
"I will, good night kacchan!" I leave the room and what just happened finally hit me and I start worrying to the max level I think I possibly could. My brain fills with ideas of what could have happened. Was he sick, was his family ok, was he getting kicked out of UA, did something that is actually gross happen, was he attacked?

I laid down in my bed trying to wash away all the thoughts but they stayed. Worry and anger mixing together was not a good thing. I felt something on my face. I raised my hand and felt a tear. When did I start crying? Was it when I left the room or when these thoughts started pouring in. I was not someone who cried a lot so the fact that when I looked at my pillow it was drenched in tears and that there was more coming out of my eyes shocked me, but at this point I just let the tears flow. I don't remember the last time I was this worried about someone. Why was I worried? Should I be worried? Was it just in the moment?

I eventually fell asleep. I was not even close to prepared for what I was going to hear tomorrow.

909 words total. Thank you for reading, if you voted thanks for voting, and if you added to a reading list or commented thanks for that as well. Have a good day!

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