Chapter 10

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T.W for the following
self harm

_-. Izukus P.O.V .-_

-time skip ig-
I wake up and smack the alarm blaring next to me abruptly waking me up. I have been  having trouble going to bed and I finally got some sleep, about 2 hours and this piece of junk wakes me up. I hastily grab my uniform and tread to the bathroom, I look at all the scabbed up marks as I strip and stare into the mirror. I think of the image of my skin tearing as the knife treads over it.

I turn on the water and step in, as water spreads over the freshly unwrapped cuts. I wash my body but it doesn't feel right, like if I were still dirty.

The word stuck out in every book, every time someone said it, every time I heard it or saw it, the word pinned itself to the back of me. Last time I had this thought I spiraled and rubbed my own skin off.

I grab more soap and scrub harder, this time it wasn't my chest it was my hips and waist, I felt hands grab at me and pull me closer to the person behind me. Images flicker throughout my mind as clips of audio play in the background. Muffled screams and cries for help going unnoticed, begging someone to stop, broken beer bottles surround me while shackles are placed on my wrists and I'm pinned to the floor.

I snap out of it as heavy foot steps bring me out of my trance and I look down at the bloody stains on the shower floor.

As the water runs over the stains they melt and disappear down the drain. I finally feel clean and I smile.

I shut off the water and step out of the shower. I dry myself off and grab my uniform. I slowly put on the shirt as the marks all over threaten to spill blood. I check the time '45 minutes' the time dings against my brain as I pack up my bag.

I pick up the note on the table and realize that kacchan left early. I grab my backpack and step out into the lobby before turning back to lock the door.

I start on my walk and pass a few shops. I start to get more secluded and that's when I turn back before I am met with him. I see him just going about his day, as if that didn't just happen two days ago only two and he gets to go on like nothing happened. However this anger that resonates within me is replaced by fear. I won't move can't move.

"Hey I know you from somewhere, school, right? Did you go to Lincoln high? Nah maybe a job." I nod at everything he can't recognize me.

Before I can break free from this conversation or from whatever force is keeping me there, I feel something on my wrist. It's a band. A quirk suppression band.

I'm being dragged into a nearby alleyway, the same alleyway. He turns a corner and I snap out of whatever trance I'm in. I start clawing at him smacking, punching whatever I can, I'm doing. My voice won't work, no words will come out.

I'm pinned to the floor by my wrists and a foot on my back. I wiggle and a grunt escapes my mouth. My voice turns back on. "STOP!" No other words could leave my mouth. It was sudden, rushed and quiet, but it was words. I earn a gutteral chuckle from the man. He leans down and starts forcing kisses along my neck. I started crying. I start trying to slam my wrists up and down, like a child. Nothing would budge. I hear a zipper and my reactions inceased. I hear the man trying to talk, but the ringing in my ears overpowers it.

My voice shuts off, and my entire body tenses up. After two horrible hours I'm left there with my own thoughts. I sit up and toss my clothes back on. I'm in complete shock. I grab my bag and run out of the alleyway. Sadly we have patrol training today, but I might have missed it, shit.

I pick up my pace. I look down and notice the dirt stains all over my clothes. I have a rip over the left knee of my pants. I shudder at the memory and make it to the building. That's all it is now. A memory. But is it really just a memory if it's harming me? I enter the building and knock on class 1-A.

"S-sorry I'm late." The entire class turns around to look at me and a few of them have their eyes wide in shock. I know I look like shit right now but they don't have to make it that obvious

"Y-yeah, it's fine but why are you this late?" My body tenses up and I can't breathe. He seems to get what's happening so he walk to the door and steps out. The reality of what happened hits me and I fall to my knees. I clutch at my chest, but it's not in a panic, more so desperation. Desperately trying to get the feeling off, to wipe reality clean and start over. The voices fill up my ears, the same clips fill my vision except this time it's new, it's what just happened not even an hour ago. I look around and I'm back there, my dad mom and the man, are standing over me, around me. They say words like 'slut' and 'useless' the words pollute my vision and hearing. The hands on my body pollute damn near everything. I scream. No word are included but I need to get the voices out of my head. I need it to stop. I keep screaming and shouting, only stopping to choke out sobs.

-_- Aizawas P.O.V -_-

I look at the kid screaming in front of me. Bakugou and I tend to understand our roles. I grab an ice pack while he controls the crowd. He shoos them to their seats. I rush to his side shortly before bakugou. I push the ice pack against his neck and he instantly goes silent. He reaches his hand up and feels for the ice pack before turning to look at me and bakugou and launches into bakugou's arms. He grips onto the back of his shirt with a death grip. After about 10-ish minutes he looks back up and wipes his tears. He gets up and we follow suit.

"Sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! I am so sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have done anything I'm so sorry-" I cut off his endless rambling

"Hey, calm down, kid. No one here is mad, well I'm not and he always is. Take a deep breath." He follows my instructions

"No one is here to do anything to you, we are just curious what happened, do you think you can stay after class?" I look at the two nod.

The two walk in and sit so I can continue my clearly  half-assed, lesson. It wasn't bad but I couldn't focus on it

'just, what happened?'

1248 words total

Thank you so much for reading, sorry it took a little longer to post this one, and it's shorter. I thought I posted it but I didn't even finish it lol

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