Chapter 22

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A/N omfg, I'm so sorry if I don't reply to a comment or anything, I just have no idea how to. I do appreciate them, I literally jump up and down with joy whenever I see one.

-Izukus POV-
I walk downstairs. My phone in my pocket. I fidget with my hands as I think of all the ways to tell them. I don't want this to continue.

"Guys.." I mutter. They both flick their heads towards me.

"Yeah?" I get a nonchalant response from Aizawa.

"Can.. can we not go to that hospital in the future?" I ask. My head aimed downward.

"Sure, why?" He asks. Mic steps forward.

"Uhm.. I-it's uhm, uh." I stumble over my words, my voice wavering. They motion for me to sit. I wander towards them on the couch.

"Did they say something bad?" Mic questions. I take a staggering inhale.

"Kiddo, I'm getting the sense that something happened. Can you please tell us?" Tears fall from my eyes. I quickly put a stop to them and wipe the ones that fall.

"Y'know the psychologist?" I croak, my voice quacking.

"Did he do something?" Aizawa seeks. I nod.

"He was him. He- he was the one that did it. H-he did it again." I hear them sniffle.

"Can we hug you?" I nod. I'm quickly enclosed in a massive hug. I sob into them.

"I just want it t-to sto-op. M-make it stop." I beg. I feel tears drop onto me.

"We will, we will. There are cameras there, we'll get the police involved, they'll search the cameras, everything will be okay, kid. But I think we have to make a report today. The sooner the better, kiddo." I nod. I just want it to stop. I continue to sob until I feel a weight leave and hear keys jingle.

"C'mon, let's go." I stand up, my legs wobbly and shaky. I sit in the car. Aizawa sits next to me. I lean on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me. Once we get there my breathing picks up. I really want it all to stop, but I also don't want to have to do this.

"Hey, it'll be okay. Once this is over, you'll be safe. I promise." He comforts. I stand up and out of the car, my eyes glossy. We walk into the station. I instantly regret my choice. Aizawa, being the mind-reader he is, grabs me for a hug. For a minute, everything stops. The only thing that matters is this hug. Once he pulls away I'm calmer. I hide behind Mic.

"Hello, how may I help you today?"

"We'd like to report a rape on a minor." The guy types something into his computer.

"Is this person with you or one of you two? If not you two, it'd be best to go get them and return later." He says in a very customer service-y tone. I step out from behind Hizashi, instantly feeling like I'm on fucking display.

"And what is his full legal name?"

"Izuku Yamada-Aizawa." Hizashi answers.

"Alright.. looks like you've had a history with this. Fill this out and turn it in to me. Once you're done you'll head back there once I tell you to." He hands us some papers. I take a peek and see that a legal guardian has to fill it out. I really don't want to spill my guts out to them, again.

"Kid, I know it's hard but you have to answer all the questions. If you don't know or recall, tell me, okay?" I nod.

"Were you under the influence of any drugs or alcohol?" I shake my head.

"Did you.. fuck, kid this is a very badly worded question. Just try not to view this as me actually asking you." I nod.

"Did you ever say no or stop?"

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