Chapter Three: Please Help

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"What've you got for me?" Namjoon asked, taking his glasses off and holding them in his right hand as he continued to pace back and forth.

"A bigger problem," Jungkook reported, rubbing his sore knuckles.

"You were right," Jimin added; as he took a seat, opposite his leader. "Hyung-Shik, has his dirty hands involved in this mess."

"Well, it just got messier," Namjoon responded, finally making eye contact with the pair since they had entered. "Dragon has Hoseok and Yoongi."


That's it! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! Hana thought inwardly. Four years of marriage and this is what I get.

Jin had again promised he would be home early, Hana had got her mother to watch Seoyun for the evening - but again Jin changed the plans. She ended up calling her best friend Michi, who she worked with and ended up having a few drinks. The few drinks turned into a few, too many as they were both flat-out drunk.

"I got you're back," Michi slurred her words. They both stormed into the police station - Seok-Jin's workplace - pink cheeks and glazed eyes.

"Where is he?" Hana demanded, her hands on her hips. "Where is my husband?"

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A young female intern asked, looking at the pair with concern.

"I'm perfectly fine," Hana waved the intern off. "I just... erm...I need to see my husband."

"Who is your husband?" The female intern asked, her eyebrows furred together in confusion.

Michi stood in the corner her face planted against the wall, as she dozed off to sleep. Hana stood in the middle of the room slurring her words and not making any sense.

"Hana?" A voice came from behind.

Hana turned around to and squinted her eyes to see who it was. It took her a second to recognise the male.


"Oh My..." Lee started. "Asami, you go ahead and finish, I'll take it from here," he told the young intern who looked quite worried for the two females. "There's a few of us working late, so don't worry about it."

"E-Er... Are you sure Officer Lee?"

Lee nodded ushering Asami away while dragging a half-asleep Michi and Hana into an empty office. He slammed the door shut behind himself.

"Oh My Gosh," Mr Lee repeated as he poured a glass of water for the pair. "Drink," he instructed. "What were you thinking getting drunk and coming to a place like this?" Lee hissed at an oblivious Hana. "Imagine you, getting a felony and your husband is a damn police officer!" He added, putting his hands on his head. "Where the heck is that guy?"

"Yeah! Where the heck is that guy?" Hana repeated still slurring her words.


"Hyung, you're finally here," a voice spoke as Jin entered an abandoned garage.

It was dark and empty; a space with one big light in the centre that was on. One skeleton of a car sat in the corner covered in rust. In the centre of the room stood four figures. Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and Blaire.

"This is no time to be late," Blaire spoke, with a raised eyebrow.

"Apologies, I just got a little sidetracked," Jin told the group, before joining them in the centre. "What's the plan?"

"It's difficult to say at this moment because we need to wait-" Namjoon started but was cut off midsentence.

Everyone's gaze immediately fixated on Seok-Jin whose jacket buzzed. He dug out his phone and checked the ID. Lee? Why's he calling me? Jin thought inwardly, declining the call. He looked up at the group apologetically, gesturing for them to continue. Again, his phone began to ring. Letting out a sigh, Jin texted Lee what was the urgency. He let out a groan when he saw the reply.

Your drunk wife is at the office smashing everything up, looking for you!




I've go so much planned for this story!!
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I've go so much planned for this story!!Please vote and comment

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