Chapter 63: Cosmic chase

Start from the beginning

KEITH: "We can't worry about that... We have to make sure we get Shiro back."

HUNK: "But Shiro's not Shiro anymore." 

Y/N: "Well Shiro was never Shiro."

KEITH: "I know, but something is wrong. The Galra or Lotor have to be behind it. You all know he would never give up on us. We can't give up on him." Voltron shakily rises from the rubble of the asteroid, each movement a struggle. The thrusters boost us upwards, quickly chasing after the escaping pod and ships. We hurry through the field of rubble, twisting and turning, "Guys, one of my thrusters is down. Can you compensate?" 

PIDGE: "Those beams torched our power core. I've never seen anything like it." 

HUNK: "We've got maybe 30 seconds of over clocked burn time." 

KEITH: "Hit it!" We boost forwards, every inch of Voltron's power being used. 

HUNK: "We're halfway through our burn." 

LANCE: "We're not going to make it!" 

PIDGE: "We're too heavy!" The wormhole slowly begins to close. I watch as the portal becomes smaller and smaller. I hold my hands against the wall, summoning as much energy as I can, lightning rippling through my body and veins. 

Y/N: "Disband!" 


Y/N: "My powers can create enough thrust to push the black lion through!" 

ALLURA: "But you'll be the only lion on the other side!" 

Y/N: "Not necessarily. Just do it!" The lions disband, lightning surrounding the black lion as it lunges towards the wormhole, in the last second, I realised something, all my visions had a silver lining to it, a hidden meaning. A second layer. Every vision there was a small, white lion hiding among the chaos. My lion. The one I can create. Using my powers. The black lion just makes it through the wormhole, leaving the lions quietly waiting on the other side. When we make it out, there are hundreds of Galra fleets, waiting patiently for our arrival. 

KEITH: "All right, we gotta play this smart." He flies through the blasts from all the cruisers, quickly heading towards the pod and the three ships. The atmosphere thick with anxiety and tension.  

Y/N: "Keith, look!" One of the three ships veers off from the rest, heading straight for us. Keith pushes the thrusters, dodging the blasts coming from all directions and now the singular ship. As the ship begins to lock onto us, Keith pulls the controls back, sending the black lion backwards, he grabs onto the ship, blasting it, sending the ship rolling backwards. Keith continues on the course of the pod, hurrying towards another cruiser. He blasts down the bay doors, revealing the pod and the other two ships.

KEITH: "There's Shiro... and Lotor." Then alarms start blaring, Keith pulls away from the hole in the cruiser, barely dodging the incoming blasts from the ship outside. "Think. Think. How are we going to get in there?"

Y/N: "Look! The pod!" He looks towards the cruiser, the pod exiting as we are pursued by the ship. 

KEITH: "Shiro. Shiro, come in. I know you're there!" He chases after the escaping pod, closely pursued by one of Lotor's ships. "I don't know what's wrong, but I know we can fix this. Let me help you."

Y/N: "We'll figure this out Keith, don't worry." I place my hand on his shoulder, his face tense with worry. 

KEITH: "I hope so." Lotor's ship veers off of our course, heading back to the cruiser. Keith looks at the screen from his lion, it's vitals not looking the best. "I know you're hurting. We just need to keep it together a little longer." We continue silently on the course of the pod, worry filling the atmosphere. 

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