CH 3

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Author's pov :

Jungkook stepped into the hall where the fan meet was being held, members already gathered there. Jin's voice boomed out in excitement, "The wait is over!" Jimin, with his sweet tone, sang, "The time is now, so let's do it right." Jungkook couldn't help but smile at Jimin's words, no matter what members never fails to make the atmosphere bubbly.

Jungkook glanced around at the colorful decorations and the array of flowers adorning the room, all set up to welcome their devoted fans, the ARMY. The ambiance was vibrant with the shade of lavender, filled with a sense of joy and anticipation.


As Caria and Sara got out of the car, Caria felt a slight flutter of her heart quickening its pace at the thought of seeing jungkook. a conflict between her desires and her devotion to Allah.

Sara being the excited one grasped Caria's hand with excitement, exclaiming, "Let's go! I'll introduce you to the members, and we'll have lots of fun!" Caria managed a smile, allowing herself to be led forward into the entrance hallway adorned with an array of purple balloons and other charming decorations.

As they approached the room where the fan meet was to be held, Caria hesitated at the thought of facing Jungkook, the one she loved and yet had sacrificed for the sake of her faith. As they were about to enter the hall Sara's excitement level doubled after looking at the decoration with all lavender and purple shades.

Caria feeling so nervous turned to Sara, expressing her need for a moment alone. " Sara you carry on, I'll be back" caria said while stopping at her tracks.

Sara, asked as she found caria a bit off, "All good?" to which Caria replied with a forced calmness, "Yes, all fine. I just want to use the restroom." Sara said " okay I'll accompany you". "No, you silly. Your 'oppas' are waiting for you. Don't worry; I'll go by myself. I'm not a child, you know." Caria said trying to hide her nervousness.

With a reassuring smile, Sara relented and proceeded into the room, while caria went to the restroom.

Caria's mind was full of conflicting emotions. With a silent prayer to allah she said, " ya Allah please don't allow me to get weak seeing him.. I'm leaving this matter to you, please don't let me further develop more feelings for him.. I wanna stay steadfast on my promise " she made herself prepared although deep down she wasn't ready to encounter jungkook at all.

While returning back from restroom she emerged into the hallway, her eyes caught sight of a figure hiding behind a wooded partition as he slided back seeing caria the shadow -a familiar sight of distinctive brown mullets.

Her heart quickened as she approached, confronting the unexpected presence it was non other than ali. She took slow steps and said "What are you doing here? Are you following me?" she demanded, her voice low and tinged with anger. Ali's expressions were shocked as he didn't expected this to happen he managed to speak in response, "L-look, Caria, it's not like what you're thinking."

Caria cut him off sharply, and said. "You know what? I don't want to know. Just leave," she said with an angry low tone. Yet, Ali persisted, attempting to reach out for her hand, as he hold caria's hand while saying. "But I really like y-"

Before he could finish, Caria's elbow met his chest with a hit, as she was boiling in anger that how does he have audacity to touch her hand. "How dare you touch my hand!" she exclaimed, her eyes blazing with righteous fury. Ali was shocked to see caria's move he was still staring at her with a piercing gaze. "Leave, or you want me to call security? I'll say that you're harassing me. I don't want to listen to a word from you. How dare you touch me, huh?" She said almost screaming.

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