Chapter 12

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Ishitha : Sorry ! 

Vaishnav : it's ok ! 

Ishitha : I am not saying sorry for that.

Vaishnav : then ? 

Ishitha : for this.

Ishitha slapped vaishnav hardly across his face.

Ishitha : do you have any common sense ? His biological son is managing the corporate sector and you are murdering his enemies here. He is getting the diamonds and you are getting the blood stains. Can't you understand what's happening here ? He is using you as a henchman. And you are foolish enough to believe that he cares for you !

Vaishnav : get out of here ! 

Ishitha : what ? 

Vaishnav : get out of here before i'll kill you and die ! 

Ishitha : i won't !

Vaishnav took out his gun and pointed towards ishitha.

Ishitha : you know something ? You are sick. 

Vaishnav : it's you ! You are jealous of my bonding with my father because your father never cared you.

Ishitha : just shut up ! Don't dare to speak one more word. Kill me if you have enough  courage ! 


Arnav hugged mithra tightly and started crying badly. Mithra hugged him back.

Arnav  : never say that again ! You are mine and i am yours forever. No one can separate us.

Mithra : be practical arnav ! 

Arnav slapped mithra.

Arnav : just shut up ! How dare you ? Not even in my dreams i'll leave you. 

Mithra hugged him tightly.

Arnav : mithra ! 

Mithra : hmm ?

Arnav : let's get married !

Mithra : what ? 

Arnav : yes ! Let's get married today ! 

Mithra is absolutely stunned with this sudden wedding proposal.

Arnav : i'll kill you if you reject me. I'm much better than your childhood crush "Chota bheem".

Mithra chuckled.

Arnav bent down forwarded his hand to mithra.

Arnav : miss.mithravinda ! Will you marry me ? If it is "yes"then place your hand on my hand. 

Mithra kept her hand in his hand. He kissed her hand.


Charumati sat in front of the shivling. She blankly stared at the shivling. Tears fell down from her eyes. 

Charumati : why you are  doing this to us ? Why you are holding a grudge against my children ? What sin did they do for facing all this ? You love seeing good people getting suffered right ? You will always help evils. 

Vikramaditya : he helped you charu ! He turned your husband into a good man. He made me realise my mistakes in the form of our children.

Charumati stood up and started walking.

Vikramaditya : i can't walk anymore. Please stop !

Charumati stopped.

Vikramaditya : i know i did lot of sins. I broke your heart. But please listen to me ! 

Charumati : what i am supposed to listen ?

Vikramaditya : will you give me a chance ? I know it's hard for you to forgive me. But please !

Charumati : no ! I am not the same Charumati. I don't need a man ! Because I am much more stronger than wicked husband.

Vikramaditya : small correction ! Once upon a time wicked husband.

Charumati didn't speak anything but she didn't break her eye contact. She observed his face. She remembered how he used to be back then. She never saw him pleading someone. But today he is in front of her begging her for forgiveness. Her eyes welled up with tears and she don't know why .

Vikramaditya : i am going to die soon. I want to spend my last days with my family. With my wife! My son ! Daughter-in-law ! Grand daughter ! 

Charumati is about to tell something but she stopped as she saw maya who is pointing a gun towards vikramaditya.

Maya : I need your help ! Don't dare to say no ! I'll kill you both.

Vikramaditya : shoot me !


Vaishnav took out his gun shooted the wall till all bullets are finished and he throwed it away. Ishitha didn't even flinch or broke the stern gaze. She clapped her hands loudly.

Ishitha : see ! You are capable of only doing this. If it was your so called father instead of you . He would have tortured and  killed me. The same thing happened to his wife. He is not your father. That is why you aren't that cruel. You are just dumb enough to believe him.

Vaishnav didn't speak anything but fisted his hand tightly. He is recalling how his childhood was. He realised that ishitha is right. Every single word that she spoke is right. She is the first person to give a reality check to him.

Ishitha : I love you vaishnav ! I care for you ! But you are making this relationship fail every single time. This mangalsutra isn't just enough for making me your life partner . We need an invisible string between our souls . We don't have that.

Vaishnav walked towards ishitha and kissed her.

Vaishnav : I love you isha ! I'll mend our relationship. You're mine and i am yours. 

Ishitha : please vaishnav ! Try to understand. Stop all these ! Let's have a happy life. Let's move to some suburban area. 

Vaishnav : ok ! But not before avenging my father's death. After killing that person i will definitely leave this. 

Ishitha didn't say anything. She thought leaving him is the best thing that she could do but eventually she understood that it's the worst thing to do. She felt happy because vaishnav promised her that he would leave all these and come along with her . But she felt sad that he still want to avenge mohan's death.

Vaishnav got a call. He is talking seriously with that person. She is listening to his words carefully. When she saw him glancing at her she averted her gaze and he smiled.

Vaishnav : we got some information about that bastard. He lives in Hyderabad it seems. I am going to Hyderabad tomorrow.

Ishitha : can i come along with you ?

Vaishnav : No !

Ishitha : please vaishnav ! I won't stay with you . I'll visit my grandparents.

Vaishnav : ok !

Ishitha smiled with victory as her plan is going to work now. By hook or crook she decided to save adarsh and his family. For that she should be one step advanced that vaishnav.


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