Chapter 11

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Sure enough, later that day Carlos came over for dinner again. Dinner went great, we all enjoyed the food and talked. Carlos made sure to ask Cass and I separate how our day at work went. Even asked Eli how school went who made sure to explain in good detail, including how a girl in his class fell during recess and got a bloody nose. It warmed my heart to see how good Carlos was with Elias. Very patient, caring and kind. He never once seemed annoyed or tired of hearing Elias go on and on about school or about Formula 1.
Carlos had been on the couch with Eli when his phone went off and he excused himself from Elias. He came to the kitchen next to me as he answered. "Hey Caro, what's up?" He spoke. "Hmmm...oh. Yeah, no it's fine I get it. Can you tell the captain to be ready in time please? Thanks. I'll see you there mate." He finished and hung up. He walked over to me as I loaded the last plate into the dish washer. "Hey beautiful...bad news I have to fly over to the team headquarters tomorrow morning. Im not sure what's going on, my manager sounded worried" he tells me and informed me of his phone call. "Ohh no, I hope everything is ok and it's nothing too serious." I say trying to confirm for give some peace of mind.
"I don't think so. But It shouldn't be long, I should be back the following day." He assures me. He gives me a confident smile and heads back to the living room with Carlos. "I have to go little man, but I should be back soon. Take care of your mom for me until then?" I hear him say to Eli. "Where are you going?" My boy asks curiously. "Maranello, a meeting with the team. I'll bring you something cool, what do you think?" Carlos runs his hand through Elias's curls in a playful manner. "You got it!" Eli promised Carlos. "Ok, I'll be back soon. I have to go now and get ready. I'll see you soon. Adios" Carlos stands and gives Eli a soft pat on the shoulder. He comes to stand next to me in the kitchen. "I'll miss you Hermosa. I'll be back before you know It! Adios, see you when I get back" he placed a soft kiss on my forehead and I tilt my head up to meet his eyes. My eyes wandered to his lips and I get on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck and I go for his lips confidently.
"Keep this up and I won't be able to leave. How could I ever leave you like this?" He breaths in, breaking our kiss so we could catch our breath. "Have a safe flight, I hope everything turns out ok. I'll miss you too." I wish him on his journey and walk him to the door. I watch him leave and then close the door. I stand there, against the closed door. I'm really falling for him.
        Eli is already sleeping, I had just sent him to bed. I head to my room to get ready for bed.  I sat up in bed, thinking about Carlos. I decided to text him.
     Me: Goodnight Guapo ;)
  He must've still been driving back home because he didn't text back for a bit.
     Carlos: Goodnight hermosa.

    Two days later....
        It'd been two days since I had last seen Carlos in person. We were constantly texting. Calling on the phone as well. He had left early the next morning as he had said. This morning as I was dropping off Eli at school he called me. He wanted to let me know he had just arrived back in Madrid. He had taken a late flight. Over the two days we had stayed in constant contact, he never once mentioned what his meeting was about. Nor did I push him to talk about it. Elias was very nosy and curious but I reminded him to be respectful, that if and when Carlos decided to talk about it, he'd know.
         I got to work and greeted everyone like usual. I had settled in just fine as Pablo's assistant. As promised, he had given me my own small office with a desk. It wasn't much bigger than a supply closet but I appreciated my own space. I decorated my desk with pictures of my little family. A frame of Elias, one with the both of us, Cass and I, and then a little portrait of the three of us. Pablo kept me on my feet a lot, constantly needing me to take papers to other floors, run from one end of our floor to the other. I was always glad when it was time for lunch. Cassidy would beat me to the lounge every time and have a seated for me.
       She was talking to me about a case she just got assigned when my phone buzzed. "Sorry, once sec" I excused myself.
    Carlos: Hey beautiful, how about I take you guys out for dinner tonight?
     Me: Me and Eli?
     Carlos: Cassidy too.
      Me: oh ok. If you're sure. When and where?
       Carlos: 7pm?And I'll pick you guys up, no worries.
       Me: 7pm sounds fine, but how will we fit in one of your cars?...
      Carlos: I have a 'family' car now remember? lol.
       Oh right. We went out in his new car once. Wait a minute... I started thinking and, he got the new 'Family' car after he had found out about Eli. Maybe I'm just overthinking. There's no way he'd buy a 'family' car just because I have Eli. That's crazy. I'm crazy for even thinking about it.  I shake the thought off and text Carlos back realizing I left him on read.
    Me: right, ok. Sounds good then. We'll be ready at 7pm.
    Carlos: oh crap wait. Is Elias allergic to anything? Or picky? You can pick a restaurant if you'd be more comfortable for him.
God Carlos was the sweetest.
Me: No allergies and he's surprisingly not picky. I like how you're thinking about him too. You can pick where we eat <3
Carlos: ok... can't wait. See you at 7pm!

"There. sorry, it was Carlos." I tell Cass. "No worries. How's it going for you guys?" She asks and gets a forkful of her salad. "Great. Very good. He invites us to dinner tonight at 7pm. Me you and Eli." I inform her. "Ohh, how sweet of him. Are you sure though? I wouldn't want to impose." She says nervously. "Girl no! He invited and I'd love for you to come too. You're my bestie" I say pouting at her. "Okay fine, we better get all dolled up later!" She says excitedly.
The day dragged on slower than usual but nonetheless everything went smoothly. I was stopping at Pablo's office to let him know I was heading out to pick up Elias. " Hey I'm heading out now. I finished all the paperwork you wanted me to copy and file." I say poking my head through the door. "Can you come in a sec?" He asks without looking up from his computer. "Yes?" I remain standing. I didn't want to take a seat as I had to head out. "There's a company party this weekend, it'll be at a nearby hotel in their reception area. I hope to see you there. Plus 1's are allowed but I'm not sure if it'd be a suitable place for your son." He looks up from his screen when he finishes. "Ohh. I'll see, if my boyfriend would like to come and if I can find a babysitter. Thank you. I have to get going now." I say politely. I didn't want to be late for picking up my boy. "Oh. Boyfriend? Alright then." With a wave of his hand, he dismisses me.
Im five minutes behind my usual time, and I really like to be on schedule. I arrive just on time to the school's pickup courtyard. The bell ringing as I finally get to a spot to wait. It doesn't take long for my sweet boy to come running out the gates. He doesn't greet me as usual. He's just running frantically and I notice his red uniform sweater vest is ripped. It has a big hole in the front. "Baby what happened?!" I ask crouching down to get on his level. "Nothing" he responds quickly. "Mi amor. Who did this?!" My voice got a bit loud and stern. "Can we go home now please." He has a sad look on his face and I decide not to push it for now.
I asked him to leave his ripped sweater vest on my bed when we got home. I tried asking him again, but he refused to answer me. He only had a day of school left so i tried to be reasonable and not storm into the school. I did some cleaning around the house and when Cassidy got home I was almost finished. I put a load of dirty clothes in the washer. Cassidy reminded me when it was 6pm to start getting ready. I dressed Elias first. I put him in a simple but nice shirt with some dark jeans. I left it up to him to pick his shoes. I went with a cute black dress. It was tight around my upper body which I was still insecure about after having a child. It was loose and long in the bottom. I went with some black sandals.
"Mi amor.. did you get shoes on?" I say standing in the hall. My baby bursts out his bedroom and jumps in front of me. "All ready mami." He yells from excitement. "Cass? how we doing?" I ask knocking on her door. She opens it to reveal her outfit. She was wearing a cute striped cropped top with some dress pants and some flats. "Ok bestieeee. Cuteeee" I flirt with her. "Girl look at you!" She claps back taking my hand and giving me a spin.
"Mamiiiii. Your phone is ringing!" He yells from my room. "Answer and bring it please amor."
"Carlosssss. Hi" I hear him answer as his steps get closer.
"Here's my mami" he finishes saying. "Thank you amor" I say taking the phone.
"Hey Carlos." I greet. I hear him chuckling. "Hola hermosa, I'm outside. Take your time." He soothes. "Oh ok. We'll be down shortly".
"Everyone ready? Carlos is here." I call out from my bedroom as I sprayed perfume on. "I'm ready mami!" Elias scares me as he sprung into my room out of no where. "Ready!" Cass also responds. I grab my purse and put on some rings for accessories. We all file into the kitchen and at the door. Cass makes sure to lock the door and we head into the elevator.
"Oh are you going to the company party this weekend?" I ask her as we get into the elevator. "Hmm I'm not sure. Are you? I'll go if you do." She shrugs. "I don't know, I was thinking of inviting Carlos as my plus one. I'd go if he agrees. Plus it'd be nice to be attending company events. We've been here about a year." I add. "True. Well let me know if you guys are going." She gives me a smile. "I'd have to find a babysitter for Eli too though so I'm not sure." I pat his head and she shakes from under me. "Ma, I don't need a babysitter. I'm a big boy." He furrows his brows at me and crosses his arms. "You'll always be my baby" I coo at him and pinch his cheek. "Ma!" He snaps. Cassidy and I giggle.
When we reach the lobby I grab onto Eli's hand and go for the doors. Cassidy makes it her job to hold onto his other hand and we file out onto the streets. Sure enough, Carlos is standing outside the car. He looks good. He's wearing a dark grey longsleeve dress shirt. It fits him perfectly. Outlining his toned chest and sculpted upper body. When we reach him he comes to me first and gives me a kiss. "Eww." Eli teases and we all laugh. Carlos goes to greet Cass with the custom here of giving a kiss on the side of the cheek.
"Hola Cass"
"Hola Carlos. Nice to see you again" she greets back. He goes to Eli and they fist bump. Elias is over the moon.
"Ok. Todos listos?" He asks. "Yup" we all say in sync. Cassidy goes around the car to the back seat. Carlos and I walk with Eli to his seat. Carlos opens the door and I help Eli in and buckle him up. After making sure he's secured Carlos takes my hand and leads me to my passenger seat. Once he's in he starts the car. The engine coming to life. "This is AWESOME!" Elias shrieks. Carlos chuckles as he pulls onto the busy street. "Inside voice amor" I remind him. "Oh shoot. I should've asked, would you rather him be in a car seat? I didn't think to ask before I'm sorry" he turns and apologizes to me. "No, it's fine. But thank you for worrying. It's sweet." I tell him and reach for his hand. He takes my hand and rubs circles around my hand as he drives.
        We arrive at the restaurant and I take my sweet boy by his hand and Carlos takes my other hand. Cassidy walking closely. As we approach the door there's a group of people waiting to get in as well and spot Carlos.
   "Carlos!!" Being yelled by multiple people and phones being pulled out. I instinctively go for my little boy and hold him close to me. Carlos gives us one glance and gives me a nod before approaching the crowd of fans. "I appreciate the love and support you guys but tonight I'm trying to enjoy a dinner with my gf, I ask for just some privacy and respect please." Carlos says patiently to the fans. "It's ok Guapo, do your thing." I tell him. He tilts his head as to make sure I'm ok and he gives some autographs and takes some pictures. Cass, Eli and I standing closely a couple feet away. Carlos politely says goodbye and takes my hand, leading us into the restaurant.

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