Chapter 4

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Carlos POV;
Dinner had been amazing. The beautiful woman sitting across from me made everything 10x better. From the moment our eyes met in that cafe yesterday morning, I was mesmerized. She was breathtaking. Her fair lightly, tanned skin. Her hazel eyes, her plump lips, and her beautiful curly brown hair. She was beautiful. She was a cute short thing, I had to turn my head down to see meet her eyes. If you looked closely, you could see she had some freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. She intrigued me from the moment we first met. She wasn't like others, going crazy and immediately flirting with me. She was so calm and collected. I knew I was cocky to expect most women to throw themselves at me. From our little interaction, I knew I had to get to know her. I was straightforward to ask her to dinner and for her number. Though she seemed hesitant at first to dinner, she eventually caved.
I know I was the one who asked her out to dinner but when she said yes, I was excited. A bit nervous too, but I was really looking forward to it. I wasn't too busy today, I'm only in Madrid until tomorrow morning. I have a flight to catch tomorrow afternoon. I took a cold shower before getting dressed. I went ahead and booked us a reservation at an Italian restaurant. I decided to go with a basic red button up shirt, some dark pants and dark shoes. As the time was passing I couldn't help but think about her. Soon enough it was finally time to pick her up. I knew I was a bit early but I couldn't help it. I needed to see her again. Mi hermosa. When she walked out of her apartment building, it took a lot of strength to hold myself together. She was fucking beautiful. The red dress really suited her and her small curvy body. She was perfect, head to toe. I hadn't felt this way about a woman in a long time.
When we got to the restaurant and got settled we started conversing. Getting to know one another. She was definitely something. Admitting to know who I really am, but still being very humble. She seemed really interested in my racing stories and my career. Not once did she interrupt or try to change the subject. When she was sharing some stories about her and her friend, I realized she spoke very carefully, almost slowly. As if she was being careful not to slip up. I had a feeling there was something she didn't want to open up about, and I was fine with it. This is a first date. First of many I hope.
After I paid and helped her out of her seat I led us outside. There's a nice park not far from the restaurant, I figured we could take a little walk and continue getting to know one another.

Angela POV;

"Are you sure this is ok? We don't have to. If you need me to take you home I can." He offered gently. "A walk would be nice." I smiled to assure him everything was going great. Dinner was amazing, Carlos really was an amazing guy. Call me corny or cliche, but there was something about him. Like a pull or something. I felt drawn to him. I hadn't been with anyone romantically or intimately since Elias's father. Sure I had guys who asked me out or tried to take me out but I never really felt anything nor did I want to. But with Carlos it was different. "So how long are you in Madrid for? I know you travel a lot for your races." I switch the topic of conversation to him. "I actually leave tomorrow afternoon, to Italy." He says with a bit of a sad tone in his voice. "Oh wow. So soon." I respond quickly. Taken by surprise. I didn't really realize how busy he was. I should probably listen to Elias more often about the formula 1 schedule.
"You travel a lot, do you enjoy it?" I ask. "Honestly yeah, it's nice. To experience different cultures and places. It's always something new." He answers while looking down at me as we walk hand in hand on the sidewalk to the park he mentioned. "Would you say there are some downsides to always traveling?" I was truly curious. "Probably not being able to see my family for long periods of time. I do try and come home in between races. But in this upcoming case, we have two races, back to back weekends. Most of the time we have a race every two weeks so I try to come home for as long as I can." I could tell he was being completely transparent with his answers. "I'm sorry. That must suck. I guess that probably affects your social and romantic life?" I blurt out the last part without even thinking. "Oh god. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so straightforward" I quickly apologize and let go of his hand and bring my palms to my face.
"It's ok. But yeah it does. I try and make the most out of my time when it's not a race weekend though. What about you? You travel much?" He turns the topic to me "not really. Apart from moving here, that's pretty much all the traveling I've done. Born and raised in the states and didn't travel other than when Cassidy and I moved here." I say with a half smile. We eventually get to the park and find a bench to sit. We sat and talked for almost an hour, taking in the scenery before we both mutually agreed to end the night. We get back to the car and he helps me in, a gentleman always. This time the car ride wasn't silent. We continued talking and laughing the whole ride back to my apartment.
We reach the building and he parks in the same spot he did when he picked me up. "I've really enjoyed the night. Thank you, for dinner and everything." I tell him. Looking him in the eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. "No thank you, I haven't had a good time like that in a while." He tells me. Somehow I know he's being sincere. I take my seatbelt off and he gets out of his drivers seat and comes around to open my door. Helping me out of the car, he keeps our hands intertwined. "You're off tomorrow right? Wednesday?" He asks with a bit of franticness in his voice. "Yeah.." I answer confused. "Let's have breakfast tomorrow? Or coffee. Whatever you prefer. I've just really had an amazing night, I want to see you before I go. I'm not sure if I'll be able to come home in between these next two races. If you're busy I understand." He exhales deeply when he'd finished.
"Breakfast is fine with me. That way you can eat before your flight. But can we do it after 7:30am?" I ask shyly, expecting him to question me or say no. "No problem, how about 8? I can come pick you up?" He offers with a smile. "That should work." I accept. "Great. Sounds like a second date." He smiles and even though it's dark out, with the street lamps lighting the streets, I could see him blushing. His smile was cute, everything about him was cute, handsome. It made me smile too. He pulled me into him and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight hermosa, see you tomorrow." He whispered in my ear. "Goodnight Carlos" I say looking him in the eyes. I turn and head for the doors to enter the lobby. It isn't until I'm in the lobby that I hear his car's engine. What a gentleman. He waits for me to be safely inside my building to leave. It's now 10pm and I'm home. Cassidy is sitting around the kitchen island on her phone. "Tell me everything!!" She squeals.
I tell her everything. How he's such a gentleman. How handsome and crafted by god he is. I tell her how he wants to see me tomorrow before he leaves. "Oh my god girl!! He likes you!!" She says squealing quietly trying not to wake Elias who she put to bed an hour ago. "I don't know. We just had dinner. And we'll have breakfast tomorrow before he goes. Maybe he likes me as a friend?" I say doubtingly. "Oh hush. You're so negative." She snaps at me. "I guess we'll see how tomorrow goes... should I mention I'm a single mother to a six year old?" I say sarcastically but still seriously at the same time. "Maybe let's hold off. We'll see how tomorrow goes and we'll go from there?" She suggests. "Right because he'll surely make a run for it when he finds out I'm a single mother. It's just...ugh. What if this does lead somewhere. I don't want to spring it on him about Elias and then he thinks I'm trying to trap him or something." I say sulking. "Let's just see how tomorrow goes, baby steps!" She reassure me.
"Okk. Thanks again for Elias. You're the best! I owe you" I say and hug her. "What are besties for?" She says laughing. "Let's get to bed. You work tomorrow" I remind her. "Yes mom." She jokes. I get out of the dress and heels and into pajamas and socks. I set my phone to charge and my alarm. I found it difficult to fall asleep tonight. My mind kept wandering to Carlos. Did he really like me? Could we become something ? How would he feel when he found out I have a son? A six year old. But my god was he handsome. He was hot. Fucking hot. I must've thought about Carlos too much to the point it tired me out and I fell asleep.
        My alarm wakes me up and as much as I wanna stay in bed I have to get Elias ready for school. Normally I would wake up a bit later than usual since I don't work today. But since I have a breakfast date I decided to get up at my normal time to get myself ready. I head for the bathroom and shower quickly. Wrap myself in my robe and brush my teeth. I start my face wash routine after, then onto my hair. Curly hair maintenance really stresses me out. I decide to just put my hair in a slick low bun today. Once I'm ready I head into my room to get dressed. I settled for some white loose dress shorts with a belt, and a floral blouse. To finish it off, I went with some white slip on sandals. I head into the hall and towards Elias's bedroom. I quietly walk in and shake him awake. "Wakey wakey my little stinky bug. Time to shower" I coo at him. "I don't want to go to school today mami" he whines as he turns over to face me. "You have to my love. Go today and I'll let you stay home on Friday." I try and negotiate with him. "Really? You'll let me stay home from school?! I could watch Formula 1. Friday is the two free practices" he exclaims practically jumping up from bed. He runs out of his room and to the bathroom without waiting for me.
        I quickly hear the shower start and go back to get his school clothes. I leave him his clothes and head to the kitchen. Cassidy seems to be running late so I get the coffee going for her and waffles for her and Elias. I hear my phone ringing in my room and sprint to get it. I wonder who's calling me this early. I check my watch and it's only 6:30am.
   Incoming call: Carlos
     I pick up. "Good morning" I greet him.
    "Ah buenos Dias" he greets back. "I'm sorry for calling so early. I hope I didn't wake you"
     "No I've been up a while. What's up?"
      "Nothing serious. I'm sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice. We're still good to go for 8?"
        "You're too cheesy" I laugh into the phone. I hold the phone to my ear as I head back into the kitchen to poor the coffee for cass, and set the waffles.
         "Oh ok great. I'm sorry, I was worried you'd change your mind or I don't know" I hear him fluster through the phone.
      "I had a great time last night, I'm looking forward to breakfast soon." Before he even had a chance to respond, I'm caught off guard by Elias. I didn't even hear him come out of the bathroom.
         "Who are you talking to mami?" He asks.
         Shit. Did Carlos hear? I try to quiet Elias for a second by bringing my finger to my lip.
           " I'll see you at 8, sorry I have to go now" I frantically say and hang up without a warning. I felt awful for hanging up but I was now panicking, wondering if Carlos heard my sweet boy.

All I see is Sainzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن