Chapter 14

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            Eli was excited when I told him we'd spend the day with Carlos at his go kart grand opening event. It was a nice drive just outside the city, Eli was admiring the track as we pulled up. There were a lot of people. Fans, workers, reporters. I figured I'd have to get used to the idea of being in the media if I'm going to be with Carlos. Carlos takes my hand, probably sensing my nerves. When we finally park he speaks up. "Hey Elias, I got you a Ferrari hat and some of our Rayban sunglasses."  He turns around and reaches for the back seat and gets a bag. He reaches into the bag and hands Eli the stuff.
             "Wow. Thank you Carlos. I'll look like you now." He chuckles. He turns to me and I mouth the words "thank you" and he gives me a wink. We unbuckle our seatbelts and Carlos gets out first to open my door for me, together we walk to get Elias out of the car. Right away we hear the press and fans approaching. I quickly grab my sweet boy's hand with a good grip. I was expecting Carlos to hold my hand as usual but he walks around to Elias's free hand and grabs it. My heart melts. The crowd of people approaching us is getting closer. From a side, a group of people with matching red and yellow shirts pop up. "CS55" their shirts all say. All big guys, they surround us to form a barrier between us and the crown and we head inside the building. We go towards the side of the building that's more of a garage workshop. Go karts lined up against the wall. Once inside the garage, there's less press, and no fans. It relaxes me a bit.
            "Hey cabron" a dude Carlos's age comes up. "Everything's ready. Press are strictly to stay behind the little barrier and our karts are already on the track for their first drive. Our suits are in the changing room." He talks and explains pretty quick. "Caro, this is my girlfriend. Angela, and her son Elias." Carlos introduces us. "Oh I'm sorry. Hello there. Nice to meet you, I'm Carlos's cousin, the better looking Carlos in the family" he teases. And gives me a hug and the customary kiss on the cheek. "Hey it's nice to meet you. He turns down to Elias who of course is smiling from ear to ear. "And hello to you little man! Are you a racer? We can get you a suit ordered. We'll need measurements though." He gives his curly hair a rough shake causing Elias to laugh. "Woah me a racer? If only. I've never tried tho. Mami, I want to be a racer!" He exclaims. "We'll see amor." I tell him. "Alright hermosa, I have to go change. You ok to wait here?" He asks me having come behind me. I tilt my head up and back, "yeah amor. We'll be fine." I assure him.
        "You can take a look around. I'm sure Eli would like to see the karts and track" he chuckles. "I'll be back shortly." He plants a kiss on my head and leaves with his cousin. Eli takes my hand and drags me away to the go karts. "Mami, I like Carlos... you think he would teach me to race?" He asks looking up at me. "I don't know cariño, you'd have to ask him. But remember if he says no you have to understand. Though I'm not sure, it seems a bit dangerous." I say nervously. "It's not mami. You'll see when Carlos comes out." He tries to persuade me. We're standing in the garage watching what seems to me some mechanics working on a couple of the karts. Suddenly, we hear some yelling. I look up to the source of the sound and it's some woman with a camera running straight my way. Running after her are two security guards. "You can't be in here" the guards yell. I quickly grab Elias and hold him close to me, pulling his hat down to cover his face.
          The moment she reaches us, you can hear the camera clicking picture after picture. I try to turn away but she follows me. The security guards reach us and grab her. "Are you Carlos's girlfriend?" Her voice fading as they drag her out. "Are you after him for his money to help you raise your son?" Her voice fades into nothing as the doors close behind her and the security guards. The garage went quiet and everyone was staring. I felt so humiliated. To be questioned loudly like that. Went to show that's what people would think. "Mami don't listen to her. She just does that for money. She has nothing better to do" my little boy now trying to console me.

       A few minutes later Carlos and his cousin, accompanied by another fellow enter the garage and head our way. Carlos is in his red and black, with yellow detailing suit. He looks good. Race suits really suit him. Damn he looks good and washed away the shitty feelings that reporter caused. I see he's holding a helmet in his hands. "Hey amor. I'm so sorry. I just heard what happened, I'll take more precautions next time." His voice automatically soothes me. I feel myself relax immediately. "It's ok amor. Really." I try and plaster a fake smile but he's not convinced. "Are you guys going to race?!" Elias asks him. "Sure are, Carlos here is about to lose" his cousin says.

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