Chapter 16

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Carlos POV;

             I go with Caro to get us checked in and glance back every so often at Angela and Cass. Elias in between them with their backs to the hotels entrance. I knew there was something behind the way Angela was very nervous when it came to Elias and the press, but I also knew it wasn't my place to ask. When she's ready she'll explain. So until then I'll try my best to help her keep his face covered from the fans. I loved how she didn't get upset or anything. She understood i had my fans and all. "Checking in for Sainz" Caro told the receptionist. She clicks away on the computer. "Ahh yess. I have three rooms. Two single beds and one two bedroom suite." She reads off her screen. She shuffled around the desk and hands us our room keys. We thank her and head back to the girls and Eli.

            "All set. We'll have our suitcases brought up shortly." Caro says and he and Cass head to the elevator. I stay still for a second and tell Angela about the room situation. "I'm sorry I forgot to ask how you wanted to do the rooms. I got Cassidy a single bed room and a two bedroom suite for us. I'll be happy to trade with Cassidy if you're more comfortable with that..." I tell her nervously. "I'm ok. Unless you're not comfortable..." she responds. I give her a kiss on the cheek to reassure her it's more than ok with me And take her hand and lead us to the elevator. Caro was holding the elevator for us. Caro took it upon himself to take Cassidy to her room and I took us to ours. We walked into the room and Elias darted from Angela into the small living room. It was just a small couch and a tv on a stand. The glass floor to ceiling windows gave a nice view of the city as the sun was setting. "This is nice Carlos" Eli exclaimed as he looked back at me and his mom.
            "Carlos and I will be in the room talking cariño. Do not leave this room. Knock if you need something. Why don't you try the tv?" Angela speaks up and the boy happily complies. She takes my hand and leads me to the main bedroom of the suit. I wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about but I quietly let her lead the way. When we got to the room she sat down on the bed and patted for me to sit next to her. "Is everything ok mi amor?" I asked her curiously. She stands from the bed and nods her head to me, signaling she'd rather I stay seated. She stands less than three feet in front of me and looks me in the eyes before taking a deep breath. "You asked about meeting my parents earlier, I don't have a relationship with them anymore." She repeats. "It's ok amor. You don't have to explain anymore." I try to comfort her as it's obvious she's nervous and having some sort of mental battle with herself. "No I want to tell you. I love you Carlos. I don't want any secrets or anything. I want you to know." She asserts. I simply nod and reach for her hand to try and pull her back to sit on the bed. She complies and we're now sitting on the bed facing each other.
          "Back in the US, I had a good relationship with my parents, my siblings. My family. They were always very supportive, my last year in high school I met Elias's father. He seemed like a good guy back then and I fell for him. Things seemed ok and one thing lead to another and I was stupid. I ended up pregnant. My parents didn't agree with a child before marriage and tried to force us to marry but we both denied. My parents were VERY upset but ultimately got over it. They were more disappointed in me for not going to college. But I didn't want to go all huge and pregnant." She looks away from me and I used my hand to turn her face towards me again. Her eyes were filling with tears. "No amor. You don't have to say it. I don't want you to be upset." I try and console her. I caress her arm. She sniffles and takes a deep breath.

          "Since we had graduated high school, his father got a decent job and made enough money for us to get a small apartment for us. Things were going fine. Or so I thought. But then we started struggling financially out of no where and he would come home drunk and strung out on drugs. We argued often but it never got too bad. When I was nearing the end of my pregnancy it was clear he had became a drug addict and alcohol. I gave him the ultimatum of getting clean and going to rehab so we could be a family, I was so stupid and still in love. He refused. One night I had enough and was packing my bags to go back with my parents, he came home and caught me packing. He was drunk, high on his drugs. I didn't acknowledge him and just picked up my bags heading for the door. He started yelling saying he wasn't going to let me leave with his baby.

          I told him I'd raise the baby myself if I had to but I would not let our baby have an addict as a father. He yanked my back by my hair causing me to fall and hit my head on a wall. I immediately started crying and then he just... he started beating me. Kicking me. Punching me. It felt like hours until he finally stopped. I didn't care about myself I was so worried about my baby. I don't know how but I found the strength and found my phone on the floor to call 911. I was taken to the hospital. During the beating I tried my best to protect my stomach. I thank god everyday. The doctors said it was a miracle the baby was ok. His father had dislocated my shoulder, broken my hand, bruised my eye socket and so on and so forth. I pressed charges on him. They found him a week later. They only gave him a couple years in jail. My parents told me I was stupid for having put up with him for so long and used any excuse to bring down. I gave birth on my fourth day in the hospital to my beautiful healthy boy. My parents told me to put him into adoption and they'd support me and put me through college. I refused and they didn't hesitate to cut me off. I thought they'd get over it but they never did. For the first four years of his life, I would send my parents constant pictures and videos to show them their grandson, no one from my family ever responded." She finished with a deep breath and wiped a stray tear that managed to escape.
           I was at a loss for words. What the hell. It took me a couple seconds to process what she told me. "Oh dios. I'm so so sorry you had to go through that mi vida. I wish I could take all those painful memories away." I instantly brought her into me and wrapped my arms around her. She sniffed a couple times and just let me hold her. I was amazed at her strength. Not once did she start sobbing. Only a couple tears escaped and her voice got shaky. "Where's that Cabron now?" I asked seething "a year ago I heard from an old school friend that he got out of jail on good behavior and over crowding. It was around the time Cassidy's parents wanted her home and she insisted I come back with her. That's why I came to Madrid. His name isn't on Elias's birth certificate so it was no issue taking him out of the country without his so called father's consent." She answered sniffling in the end. "That's why I try and cover his face as much as I can. I don't want his father to find out. I'm sure he'd recognize my face, but I I'll do anything to try and keep him from seeing my beautiful boy's face." She takes a deep breath. "I'm really glad he came out looking like me and nothing like his father" she chuckled.

          "I can hire security for you guys mi amor. Say the word." I offer and she lifts herself off of my chest I had held her in. "No it's ok. Really, I love you and I love how passionate you are with your job. I understand what comes with your fame, I don't want you to change anything" she quickly assures me. I place my right hand on her cheek and run my thumb over her face. I scoot forward and bring my forehead onto hers. "You're fucking beautiful mi vida, te amo. You're the most beautiful and strongest woman I've ever met. You should be proud of yourself. I love your son. Elias is a wonderful little boy. I'm glad his father isn't here. He deserves better. If you'd let me, I'd like to be a dad to Elias. I want to show him and teach him things dads do with their sons." I let off my chest. She doesn't answer but smashes her lips onto mine. This kiss was more passionate than any of the other kisses we've shared.

           We were still sitting on the bed turned to each other. I wanted to close the space between us. But I wanted to take it slow. With my right hand still on her cheek, I used my left hand and placed it on her hip and gently pushed her my way. I didn't use much pressure in case she didn't want this. I was surprised when she followed my lead and brought one of her legs over my lap. She was straddling me. I broke the kiss to make sure this was ok with her. But she didn't let me get a word out. "I love you Carlos" she said catching breath and connected our lips once again. I let myself fall back to lay on the bed and she stayed on top of me. My desire for her growing. I tried to control myself. I wanted her. Needed her. I brought my right hand down her back slowly. The way she reacted to my touch drove me crazy. I really hoped she couldn't feel my boner through my pants. I was slowly bringing my hand down to her ass when there was a knock on the door. We both quickly separated and she got up. She walked to the door and took a breath before opening it. "Mami I'm hungry" Elias whined. "Ok cariño. We'll be right out." She told him. He walked away and she closed the door. We stared at each other with such passion and desire. I knew she wanted the same as me. "Let's go get him some food" I started, but she spoke at the same time. "We should all get something to eat." We both started laughing and I went up to her at the door. I brought my head down and gave her a kiss on the lips. I could feel her smiling through our kiss.

All I see is Sainzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें