Chapter 23

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Carlos POV;

            I woke up bright and early this morning, I felt nervous but excited. Very excited. This would be my first time having Eli, while it was a big responsibility and a big show of trust from Angela, I knew me and Eli would have a great time. I had some activities planned but didn't want to plan too much in case he didn't like what I had in mind. I took a quick morning shower and got dressed. Just a simple t shirt and some jeans. I turned the lights off in the house as I made my way to my garage. Grabbed the car keys to my Ferrari Purosangue. The family SUV wasn't really my style, but I just knew I was all in with Angela and her son and decided it'd be better for our relationship. I start the engine and use my clicker to open and close the garage and head out to the city to Angela's apartment.

       It's a 25 minute drive from my house to her home, I park across the street from her building and decide to head up instead of calling. I knock when I reach her door and hear her call out for Eli. "Oh! Good morning amor" she greets me with a kiss on the lips. "Come in. I thought you would've called. You didn't have to come all the way up" she says. "I know. But I wanted to mi Vida" I stand near the kitchen island as she huffs and goes into the hall to I assume Eli's room. She comes back into the open living area with Eli in hand. "Sorry for the wait. We're ready to go now" she smiles. "Buenos Dias Carlos!" The little guy greets with a huge smile quickly spreading on his face. "Buenos Dias Eli, listo para pasar el dia juntos?" I ask him as we go in for a fist bump. Angela giggles at our little interaction and grabs her purse off the hook near the front door. The Dior purse I had bought her. "Let's get going then!" I say to no one in general and place my hand behind Eli's shoulder and we walk towards the door as Angela is holding it open.

          "Where's Cassidy?" I asked when we got into the car as I turned the engine on. "She left early." Angela replied. It's a short drive to her work and we say goodbye and kiss. She reminds Eli to behave before she finally closes the door. "Listen to Carlos papi, and behave please. I'll try and find some program to put you in for the summer ok?" She says looking into the back seat at him. He nods his head and she leaves. I wait until I watch her enter her work building before driving off. I look into the rear view mirror into the back seat, "how about some breakfast to start the day?" I say looking at Elias. "If you want yeah..." he says a bit nervously. "Anything specific?" I asked him. "Pancakes?" He suggests "you got it dude." I say with a smile and know just the place to go. It was a nice drive, not too short and not too long. We arrive at this cafe in the center of the city that I like to go to with friends and family. I park and open the door for Elias. It's not too packed in the cafe and we get seated fairly quickly. People stare and smile as they see me and people walking past the cafe try to snag pictures but I look away and try to ignore it for the meantime. I felt pressured to make sure today went great. This was a big deal to me.

           We order our food and now it was just a waiting game. "So what do you have in mind today?" I ask to start a conversation. " I don't know. My mami gave me 100 euros to get me through the day. But we can do whatever you want." He says cautiously as if he wasn't supposed to say. "We can use those 100 euros to buy your mom something. And relax Eli, I want you to be comfortable with me. Just me and you having some guy time" I try and ease him up. He chuckles softly. "I'm sorry Carlos. I just want you to like me. I'm just a kid, you're my idol. I never thought I'd be here spending a casual day with you. And I don't want to mess anything up for you and my mami. She's very happy." He says looking down at his hands on the table. "Heyyy, it's ok. I like you Eli, you're a great kid. Very smart and also my number one fan. And I love your mom. Matter of fact, I love you and your mom. I just want you to have a great time today. It would mean a lot to me and your mom. So whatever you want to do, say the word. I had some activities in mind but I'm happy to do what you want." I reassure him and he slowly looks up from the table. Our waiter brings our breakfast plates and we dig in. For such a little kid, he sure can eat a lot.

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