Chapter 19

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             The dinner had gone great. During dessert Kelly had asked one of the waitresses to take a group picture of everyone on her phone. As the checks were being passed out Kelly and I excused ourselves to go to the bathroom. We did our business and as we washed hands Kelly suggested we take some mirror pictures. She posted a boomerang of us on her Instagram story tagging me and I did the same. "Hey I was gonna suggest all of us gals go out for breakfast or brunch tomorrow? I'm sure the guys will plan a dude thing once they realize we'll be having some girl time. You can bring Eli of course, I'll have P." She says invitingly. "That sounds nice actually. Count me in. And are you sure the other girls won't mind Eli?" I ask nervously.

         "Oh of course not. They're very nice and welcoming. Whenever we get together I always bring P. They're all very sweet and good with her, Eli should be no exception." She says assuring me and placed her hand on my arm. "Ok...I'll let Carlos know so he can go have some dude time with the guys" I chuckle. "Hey, Carlos is a great guy. He's completely in love with you. As someone who was a single mother at one point, I know it's strange and new having someone suddenly there for you and your child. But you just have to let them in and you'll see how great they are. It's obvious Carlos loves you and your son. If you ever want to talk about anything, just hit me up girl." She embraces me in a hug and I hug her back. "Thank you" I say with a deep breath. We straighten ourselves out and walk back to the table. All the tabs have been paid and everyone gets up to start saying their goodbyes.

              Elias fell asleep on the car ride back to the hotel. Carlos was sweet and offered to carry him up. I assured him multiple times Eli is a heavy sleeper. He was worried he'd wake up from the fans waiting outside the hotel entrance, and all the noise in the lobby. I opened the door to our suite and got ahead to open the room door. He set down my little boy gently and I covered him up and kissed him goodnight. Carlos stood at the doorway waiting for me. He offered me his hand with a sweet smile and I took it. Closing the door gently, he then lead me to our room. He took me to the bed and told me to sit, he unzipped my boots and slid them off. Once my boots were off I quickly stood up, but Carlos didn't move an inch. The back of my legs pressed against the bed, Carlos towering over me looking down at me with a seductive smirk.

         "Carlos" I whispered. He smashed his lips onto mine and with his hands closed the little space there was between us. His hand exploring up and down my back, eventually finding its place on the low of my back. He broke the kiss, and we were both gasping for air. "Earlier, tell me you want this. Tell me you want me just as much as I want you. If you're not ready don't worry amor." He says all in one breath while looking me in the eye. "I- I - I want this Carlos. I want you. I need you." I whisper. I connect our lips and he lowers his hand grabbing my ass, making me let out a soft moan into his mouth. He groans in response. Without breaking our kiss he pulls my coat off of me and throws it somewhere to the floor. He lifts me effortlessly and I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, my skirt riding up to my hips.

He turns us around to where he has his back to the bed and sits down. Our kisses are heavy and full of passion. Love. Hunger. Desire. I use some force to push him back. His back flat on the bed and I'm now straddling him. I break the kiss and sit up. He stays flat on his back. We're both breathing heavy. I go for his top button on his shirt. He quickly places his hands over mine. "Are you sure hermosa?" He says with his eyes now soft and staring into me. "Yes. Please" I murmur. He gives me a nod and I start undoing his buttons. When I get to the last one on the bottom I fling his shirt open. His abdomen exposed to me. I run my hands slowly over his chest. Then down to his abs. I go slow, down to his v line and run my fingers under his pants waist line. He suddenly sits up right and pulls his shirt off. He turns us so I'm on my back and he's kneeling between my legs. He helps me out of my shirt. His eyes explore me when I'm in my bra. I suddenly get a wave of nerves but try to subside them.

All I see is SainzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon