Prompt #2

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Prompt from February 5th, 2024

Choose a prompt and write a comedic story based on the prompt. Your story should be about one page, tell a full short story, and be funny!

[The first four prompts were excluded because they were way too dumb.]

5. Your own [prompt]:

Kristoff and Sven are in the woods and see a box and hear a bunch of meows. Kristoff opens the box to see a bunch of kittens. The kittens look up at him with a very cute expression on their faces. A kitten jumps out and trots over to Kristoff. The kitten will not stop meowing. Kristoff pets the kitten. The kitten then stops meowing and falls asleep. Kristoff carries the sleeping kitten and then grabs the box and takes them back to Arendelle.

Sven gets jealous and wishes he was able to hold the kittens. Sven cries because the kittens are way too cute. Kristoff thinks that something's wrong with Sven so he panics but the cuteness of the kittens make the situation worse. They encounter Anna. Anna is able to calm down Sven but the cuteness of the kittens start to overwhelm her so now she's crying. Elsa shows up so now she is crying because of the kittens' cuteness. Kristoff panics because now everyone around him is crying and he doesn't know what to do.

He steps out of the room for a minute but a kitten follows him so now he is crying, but shortly after he calms himself down and walks inside the room again. Everyone else is still crying but he tries to ignore them. Everyone else finally calms down.
He sees a kid who really wishes she had a cat, so Kristoff gives a kitten to the little girl, which causes a chain reaction and more kids show up and the kids ask for a kitten. Kristoff gives each kitten to each kid.


A/N: Sorry for the cringe with the last few paragraphs, lol.

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